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The Originals 4x8: Voodoo in My Blood

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This is why me and so many others can’t stand davina. Davina told a 7yr old Hope the ancestors want to work with Klaus so Hope happily told him cuz she knows the history between him and the witches. Hope thought the beef was going to be over little did she know it was a trap to MURDER her father. Davina was willing to make Hope blame herself for eternity cuz she sent her father to his death. What good person does that if Hope wasn’t listening Hope would have never forgave herself who does that to a kid especially after u PROMISED her father would be fine just so u could get him in a vulnerable position to murder him.

Melanin Ky

Liking the predictions! I agree as well, even the actor of Hayley (Phoebe) expressed she didn't like how they portrayed her character. They definitely could've gave better storylines that wasn't always linked to her family. We've been on that since TVD. & I'd def say they made the Hollow a crackhead by giving her so much magic in utero lmaaoo