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Euphoria 2x1 Trying to Get to Heaven Before They Close the Door Reaction!!

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Mylikiah (Kiki)

So excited for the reaction for season 2 <33333 a little back story Jules is not with that other girl, rue was avoiding Jules because she did drugs again, she knows now that she relapsed, but Jules does not know that rue is ACTIVELY still doing drugs. Rue does drugs but I don't think she does heroine actively to my knowledge I think it was just a one-night thing cause that girl in the car did it. not sure don't quote me lol!!! A reason why I think Rue can take that much drugs is because she does so much her body has built up a tolerance that is why its so dangerous when an addict gets clean, relapses and does the same amount of drugs they use to do the tolerance is gone that is why many overdose and unfortunately end up dying.


Season 2 is 🔥. I really enjoyed Maddy, Lexi, and Fez this season. Maddy is so much more likable this season she became one of my favorite characters. I can’t wait to hear you guys thoughts on Cassie this season. She became a controversial topic this season.