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Cure explanation before you guys go down the rabbit hole of confusion. The cure can be consumed by an older vampire as long as it is not REMOVED from them. Katherine didn't start dying until Silas drained her of her blood/the cure. Then she began to age rapidly. A younger vampire could take it and be just fine as a human with or without the cure inside of them. In theory Elena could become human and then Caroline could drink her blood and become human because (and in theory anyone who has recently turned) they could age a couple years and they'd all be just fine. If say Stefan or Damon wanted to take the cure they'd have to take it and have it remain in their bloodstream to live a normal human life otherwise were it to be removed from them they'd start rapidly aging to their actual age and die from old age.


Loved Caroline in last 2 episodes, would have actually liked it to have gone on longer but Stefan had to ruin it. Lol. At least she still has her humanity off as I really loved that storyline. For me, Elena's humanity off dragged on too long but Caroline with her control freak nature was funny and should have been longer. Elena knows what it was like with her mother becoming a vampire and did not have a good experience so not sure why she is being so naive with Damon's mum, bit of caution and scepticism is healthy. Lol. Glad Libby explained cure already as that would have been confusing for yous. And Victor with the blood comment 😂😂😂 Laughed so hard at Grace's expression and she was like ... I guess, em yeah.


That moment when Damon says to Lily "these freaks might be your family, but Stefan Salvatore is mine and if you're not willing to help him I'll leave you hear to rot", is such a beautiful moment to me.