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The Vampire Diaries 4x3: The Rager FULL LENGTH!!!

This is "The Vampire Diaries 4x3: The Rager FULL LENGTH!!!" by Victor Bell on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Welcome back guys!!


@Victor Elena DID try to tell Stefan. He responded by burying his head in the sand and popping champagne cause he wants his animal plan to work and he is just not truly hearing Elena right now. Every time Elena drinking human blood has come up Stefan has told her she's NOT strong enough. He says she can't handle it emotionally. This all feels like projection cause he wasn't strong enough and he flipped his switch when he first became a vampire. He doesn't want her to feed on humans cause he can't due to his blood addiction/lust/ripper stuff and he doesn't know how to be around her if she is feeding on humans. In the end scene with Stefan and Caroline he says he doesn't want Elena to have to feel guilt and shame but I feel like Elena does because she feels Stefan is "judging" her for wanting to try other blood sources. IF she went to Stefan (again) I think he would have just tried to talk her out of it. She went to Damon because Damon believes she can learn control and to not be miserable as a vampire and she knows he'll never judge her for it. Edit: AND every time Elena has been in crisis or need since like Season 3x1 it's Damon who is always there for her.


Today in connect the vampire dots since you seemed a bit confused about Jeremy and such: Hunter gets werewolf venom. Damon is looking for the hunter. Matt tells the Hunter about Rebecca The hunter talks to Jeremy and told Jeremy his address. Then the next scene Damon is at the hunter's RV/House thing. Scene after that Damon tells Elena that Jeremy told him about the hunter being at school. So Jeremy had called Damon and told him where the hunter lived prior to Damon showing up at the hunter's house. After that Jeremy meets the hunter and the hunter mentions that he put the werewolf venom in the keg at Rebecca's party. Then Jeremy tells the hunter about Meredith at the hospital and the hunter was like okay let's go there. Then Damon calls Tyler and instead gets Klaus who decides to join in on the hunter killing. Then there is the whole hospital scene with the explosion and all that. So Jeremy and Damon had planned all this out and Jeremy just lured the hunter to the hospital for Damon's plan. Who Elena and Rebecca were hallucinating due to the werewolf venom It was a subconscious manifestation of their inner fears. Elena is scared that she might LIKE being a vampire. Which is why she sees Damon... someone who likes being a vampire. Rebecca's worst fear is that she doesn't deserve to be loved because as her subconscious was saying she's had a 1000 years to make herself a better person and hadn't bothered yet. Hence Matt appearing to her. She thinks she doesn't deserve someone like him. PS Matt isn't on vervein cause he's letting Elena drink his blood. ***Patreon decided to eat this comment the first time I posted it, so this is a repost***


Why did I read the beginning of your sentence in stefan's voice lmao


Good to see you guys back in action!!


Tbh,both damon and stefan dont know how to teach a newbie vampire to feed....why is elena not going to caroline..we saw,how easily caroline was able to trigger elena's emotional side and made her not attack April.....both the brother's are like 2 poles of the extreme, caroline is the right person to be with elena right now


The last seasons (not the end of season 3, but before) you've been so good at predicting stuff, now I'm always thinking 'will they predict this plot or will they predict that plotline'. Kinda feels like I'm paranoid XD


It's not one of my favourite episodes of the season, but I like the Damon-Klaus-Jeremy team up. How Damon tried to get Meredith to kinda take Ric's spot as his drinking companion always makes me sad... I was super excited for Hayley before I watched this episode, because I knew the actress was in the show. I used to watch a show called 'h2o just add water' when I was younger, she was in it together with the actress of Rebekah. I loved them in that show, so I was super excited to see both of them in the same show again.


Because Caroline is a bit f a freak of nature, her obsessive, control freak, perfectionist, over achiever nature made her a perfect vampire. Elena feels she cannot possibly understand how difficult is for her.

Andrea Dcosta

Welcome back!! Hope you both had a wonderful time ❤ Rebekah was so badass and mean in this episode I love Elena but this was fun to watch lol. Klaus teaming up with Damon is just amazing to watch what a pair! I loved Stefan and Elena’s bike scene with the music nice to see Elena smile and have some fun after a long long time. Next episode is really good one of my favs of this season!!