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Hello guys we wanted to give u guys a little update unfortunately we won’t be able to stick to this week schedule as plan Grace has been badly sick for the past few days 🥺so we haven’t filmed that much she’s going to take the next few days off to get better but in the meantime I will post what we have filmed but unfortunately Buffy, supernatural ,Stranger Things, TVD 2x14 won’t be coming out this week we are sorry but Grace’s Health comes first I’m sure you guys understand we love u all and stay safe.

- Victor


Lynell Twiner

Hope she feels better soon. No worries


Feel better, take all the time you need❤️

Andrea Dcosta

Aww pls take care Grace. Get some rest, have plenty of fluids and sleep well. Pls take all the time you need. You guys are worth the wait. Get well soon ❤️


So worries you guys don't need to apologize for this ! Please take the time you need your health comes before stuff like that. I fully understand. Get well soon Grace <3