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Stranger Things 1X5: The Flea and the Acrobat FULL LENGTH!!!

This video is about ST 1X5


Andrea Dcosta

Pls Take care you guys sound and look quite sick. I love Dustin he's soo chubby and cute. He's super funny too. I understand whr Lucas is coming from. Most ppl tend to not like him in these first few episodes the way he treats El but you cant really blame him for not trusting her. He didn't deserve to be thrown in the air and bashed this way he will definitely be pissed. But EL was trying to protect them and she lost control she definitely didn't mean to hurt Lucas. Feel super bad for her. I feel you guys will love the next last 3 episodes of this season. It gets soo good!! And yes grace their just kids they do stupid things like yelling or fighting for no reason haha. I really started liking Harper more and more from this episode and Nancy as well. Nancy at the start was super annoying lol. Anyways take care you guys. Get well soon!!


Aww thank you yeah we definitely was not feeling well when we filmed that episode we’re much better now lol Yeah Victor really like Lucas yes he can be a little shit sometimes but they really are just kids. I absolutely love Dustin too he is so funny 😆😆😆 yeah can’t wait we are going to shoot the rest of the season on Saturday we are so excited

Andrea Dcosta

Yehhh wow that's great news. Cant wait for those episodes. I just realized i called Hopper Harper 🤣 See you for the TVD reactions. You guys are slowly becoming one of my favorite reactors ❤ Thank you for reacting to my fav shows...