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LOST 1X22: Born to Run Full league

This video is about LOST 1X22



I like Kate. I don't trust her but Victor is right she is ultimately going to look out for herself. About her friend who was shot. If she could have done anything to help him I believe she would have stayed. It's not like he was alone in a hotel room or something and she left him to die without calling 911. He was just shot by a police officer TEN FEET from a hospital. The cops would have gotten him treatment immediately. Here is what I will say about the characters on this show and viewers liking/not liking them and judging them based on things they have done and creating false equivalencies between them. I personally think it's ridiculous to even think about the characters as better or worse than another because one person's bad behavior DOES NOT excuse another person's bad behavior. I don't have to make a character "good" to justify why I like them. I can see and admit their flaws and like them anyways. As for the characters judging the other characters though... not one of these people has high ground to stand on. Looking down on Kate because she is a fugitive? Locke is batshit crazy. Charlie is a drug addict. Sawyer is... Sawyer. Sayid is a fucking TORTURER (Sayid is my favorite lol). Jack is... we'll get to that later but I'm sure you get my point. P.S. Victor lol there were two people in that car and only one of them was married... while it would be nice if women wouldn't do things like that with married men. Ultimately it is up to the married person to not allow these things to happen. People always blame the woman...


Sorry meant to add this to the previous comment but hit enter and if I edit things Patreon deletes the whole comment. This show is called LOST it doesn't just refer to the characters not knowing where they are. Some of them are lost in their own selfishness, some are lost in their past, some are lost causes, and most if not all of them have lost themselves or at least the person they WANTED to be before life got in the way. (they use the car/time capsule scene to point this out in this episode)