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Download the EXE version here. 

Download the BLORB version here. (This version is for people having trouble with false virus warnings, or people using Mac or Linux systems.)

Here is version 0.2.0 of Let Me Out! It's starting to look and feel more like an actual game, too! (Although there's still a long way to go before it's really done.) This version has four endings and many more responses than before.

Originally this was going to be a $10 release, but today I realised that a) I'd like to get some kind of limited public release out next month and I promised $5 patrons would get access in advance of those, and b) I really do need more transcripts, and I didn't get many from the last $10 release.


Normally I'm not going to give you the cheats along with the game, I'm going to have a slight delay between publishing the game and revealing the cheats. In this case, however, since the content is still light, I will include them now. These cheats will change in future versions, so don't get too comfortable with them. :)

PLEASE TRY THE GAME NORMALLY FIRST! There are a bunch of possible commands now, and I want to see what you come up with for your transcripts. Anyway, here they are:


(Remember, high trust and high lust are not always the goal, they're just paths to get different endings.)

What's new in v0.2.0

  • 3 new endings (for a current total of 4)
    - 100 turns have passed, low trust, high lust
    - 100 turns have passed, high trust, low lust
    - 100 turns have passed, high trust, high lust
    (Other new endings are coming that will be triggered before 100 turns expires, but they're not in the game yet)
  • Many new commands
  • New pictures
  • Cheats



Vibrig Pefjkid

Hey, are there currently enough responses in-game to get high lust / trust without using the cheats? I haven't found many new responses since the last transcripts I sent you, so I may just be missing a bunch of stuff.


I haven't actually added them up, but I think there's already more than enough to get 10 lust/10 trust (which is all you need). It'll be difficult, though, so my goal is to stack up a lot more options so you'll be able to get those up without getting stuck. I included the cheats because I figured ATM it would be pretty hard to get 10 lust/trust without them.

Vibrig Pefjkid

Alright, thanks. Been busy and wasn't sure whether I needed to take the time to be a little more creative ;)


You might want to wait for future versions, although creativity is always useful for transcripts!


Try everything I could think of but I only get to be 6/5, I can not go any further, it's very difficult


Yes, it'll get easier as I put more in, and especially if more people send me their transcripts, as then I can make it respond to the stuff you guys are trying out. For now the cheats are probably necessary, but remember, there are four endings and there's no 'fail' end. Just different sex-based outcomes depending on different paths to the end.


What I want to do is to get to see interactions between twyla and lug, is what has me trigged


Oh, there's stuff coming. :) Just working my way through implementing stuff in the plan right now. Mostly I need it to be an adequate conversation simulator first, but I'll put more sex content in each time. By the way, I did include options to flash lug in this version, but I don't think anyone's found those yet, to my surprise.


It wasn't really supposed to be a puzzle, just offer to do it. By the way, if you're trying things and they're not working then you should send me a transcript, it'll help improve the game a lot!