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tl;dr - Nobuko's getting a new apron scene, and new Hirai messages related to the apron.

I'm tearing myself away from Baldur's Gate 3 at the moment to write this - fortunately I'm a little bit ahead of schedule on work. ;) It might not shock you to know (if you recognise my avatar image) that I'm a bit of a Baldur's Gate fan, so it's strange to me to have so many other people suddenly excited about it too.

This week's image

Here's a pic from the next upcoming release. You're going to be able to buy Nobuko an apron at Essex Street and then get a scene with her wearing it. I've always felt the whole "naked apron" thing would work for Nobuko in particular; while I'd like to have costumes available for use by all the girls it's pretty hard to do that well, when a lot of the time the costumes really feel like they're only particularly interesting with one particular character.

This is a little bit like the scene with Emi in the purple lingerie, but in the case of the apron I'd say there's a bit more sex (though there's sex in the Emi scene too). The most recent release involved a lot of gameplay refinements, but this one mostly just focuses on the apron content, so I tried to make sure there'd be a bit extra in there.

Hirai messages

This next release will also come with some more Hirai messages related to the apron - three in this case, each with a couple of images and telling one story in stages. I figured it'd be a good way to expand the content in the game for the release in a logical way.

There'll be more in the release afterward, too - hopefully Hirai's fans here will agree these are all pretty good additions, though don't worry I haven't stopped making Hirai interactive scenes or anything. I'm just throwing in the messages as well when the release otherwise focuses on a Shuji interactive scene.

I think this also helps the game by incentivising the use of the stuff you can buy at the shops regardless of whether you're primarily interested in harem content or Hirai content.

What do you think of the naked apron look for Nobuko? Do you agree or disagree with my approach with the Hirai content? And are you playing BG3? Seems like everyone is right now!



Pixel Ripper

i'm not into BG3 sadly but i'm having a blast on Remnant 2


Naked apron look has always been a fave ^^


I've done it before but not much because I didn't have a good outfit for it, but I finally tracked down one that would work, with some modifications.