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One feature that's upcoming for Attack of the Nega Maids is the ability to enter the bedrooms of the women at night if you've already achieved their respective sex scene(s). I previously excluded that because it seemed like allowing you into the bedrooms would be a system that would require extra sex scenes and be kind of complicated, but I also feel it should really be an option in the game. It also probably doesn't have to be overly complicated.

In the next release of AotNM I plan to implement (along with a bunch of other small features) entering Masami's and Fumi's bedrooms, which will be pretty straightforward. The picture above is for entering Iku & Kim's bedroom (obviously) but that one won't be in the next release as I'm going much more complex with that scene. I figure that would be a pretty good setup for the Iku+Kim threesome scene.

There's also going to be a bunch of other little things I'm adding. Rio's going to get some new post sex scene content, helping Kenji a little with the maids' night service, wearing a new outfit and offering Kenji a little surprise gift. ;) None of these are massive updates, but by putting in a bunch of little things I think you'll find the overall experience more satisfying.

What do you think? Does all this sound good to you? Is there any one new feature you're particularly happy about? (Or unhappy about?) What do you think of the picture? Let me know in the comments!




Hey, I found it to be too complicated to answer the register-question in the Adrift-Forums; Apparently I am a bot. I have that problem with starting the game, after the first "...", and probably related to sound. But instead of "File does exist", I get Error 277. Can I assume that is the same, as of yet unsolved problem mentioned on those forums ? Or can I actually do something to fix that?


I'll post this somewhere more appropriate as soon as I find out where that is. After all, it's got nothing to do with this update.


It's probably the same problem, I suppose. It doesn't happen to most players so I haven't seen it first hand. What I'd suggest is you go into the View/Options menu in the game and untick "Enable sound". Then go through the bit that was crashing your game and go back into the options to enable sound again. That's a bit of a brute force workaround but it works okay if it's the sound that's doing it. You'll want to save regularly too, in case another sound triggers the crash, but if it does you can use the same workaround, or just leave sound off altogether if you prefer.


Fyi, in case it might help in some way: Full Error Message: Error 277 carrying out command "open "C:\Users\*username*\AppData\Local\Temp\tmp66EE.tmp" type mpegvideo alias audiofile2": A problem occured in initializingMCI. The tmp file is generated by the game directly before causing a problem and always named tmp + a 4 digit hex number. I could play the audiofiles just fine on their own by unpacking the blorb and starting them with VLC, though I obviously didn't check *all* the audiofiles. My OS is Windows 10 Pro N (x64), maybe the lack of a preinstalled media package is at fault here? I can prevent the error by deactivating the "WinMM" sound interface, which, upon reactivating after starting the game, will cause a problem with " 'Microsoft.DirectX.AudioVideoPlayback.dll' or one of it's dependencies. " If I choose to continue, it will work until the next sound is loaded (probably at the door), at which point it will throw the error 277 mentioned above, only this time with audiofile0. I might try a windows 7 VM next WE. I have reason to assume the problem will persist with every single sound file; I turned off sound completely until I was supposed to enter the "dress" command, then activated it, resulting in the same problem, only this time it regenerated the error message once a second. The chime sound when loading the adventure, before actually getting to sounds from the game, works fine, so this is not a problem with the ADRIFT sound engine itself. Or so I assume, it's a fresh OS. I'll try to get around it somehow. :)