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tl;dr - Long update today; lots to talk about. I worked a lot on Let Me Out, I commissioned a nifty logo for LMO as well; I talk a little about the picture above and commissions for more game content, I'm helping out a bit with ESAH and I'm going on holiday in April!

This weeks' image

This is Asumi; you might recognise her as the barista who was hiding behind Emi in my reveal shot of Emi a little while back. I'll be honest, this character was basically intended as a prop in the background because I figured the counter would look weird without anyone working behind it.

Anyway, one of your fellow patrons took issue with this disrespect and commissioned a scene with her, so I've already done a decent amount of work on that. It's partially written, partially illustrated; I will finish it as I get time. In some ways, though, it's nice to be able to show off this set a little more because I think it looks nice and I'm not sure what I'm going to use it for other than one in-game scene.

While I'm talking about commissions, another $50 patron requested some new content for PAL v1.1.0, so I made that the other day. Commissions are good! If you've got something you'd like to see me do and want to support me at the same time, consider a commission by trying the $50 tier. They do help. :)

Let Me Out logo

I commissioned an artist to design a title logo for LMO yesterday. I really like the sketch he drew up and I think it'll give the game a more professional vibe. I was kind of stuck on what to do for a nice splash screen graphic and I don't have any time to spare on that right now anyway. It took me ages to make the one for Pervert Action: Legacy and ultimately even if it's quite nice it still looks like something I came up with in Photoshop. Plus I was largely just ripping off Final Fantasy title graphics. I look forward to showing off what I get for LMO!

Let Me Out progress

While I did work a little more on the commissioned scene from PAT above, the main progress I accomplished this week was for LMO. I wrote some responses and endings, rendered pictures and, importantly, I programmed a bunch of that into the game.

Nonetheless, the first version of the game I release is going to be pretty bare-bones. Maybe you remember the first version of Let Me In? it wasn't much of anything until I got through a number of different versions to increase the responsiveness. This time around I have plans in place to add a lot more content in terms of images, sex and endings, but it all takes time.

The first version of LMO will be better than the first version of LMI, since it will have an intro, an ending and more stuff happening in between already, but it's still going to be simple.

In some ways, since this was my main avenue of progress this week, I'm wondering why I didn't show you some art from LMO in this update. Still, I wanted to show this Asumi pic before it got stale and I also want to avoid showing everything in LMO before you actually play the game.

Holiday coming up

I might as well mention now, although I'll mention it again later, that I'm going on a holiday from April 4 to April 18. There will still be updates in this period, I'm scheduling them already, but I do need a little time off. Right now I don't even have weekends, I just get about an hour of video game time before I go to bed. I'm not complaining! I love having lots to do, but I also really need some time off from time to time.

So I'm going on holiday, I will probably do so again this year, and I hope you're happy for me! If you're thinking, 'oh, look at Richie Rich going on all these holidays, he doesn't deserve support,' I would say a) that's a great reference you just made, and b) I actually travel very cheaply, it's just a matter of doing it carefully and getting good value for money. I don't know if I actually need to justify that, but I'm doing it anyway.

So yeah, anyway, I'm scheduling updates for you guys so you'll get material in the meantime to enjoy. I'm ALSO planning to do at least one release for LMO in April in the time I have available that month.

Helping out with Emily Sister Attraction Homecoming

I suppose I should also mention that I've been working on a scene in Palmer's Emily Sister Attraction Homecominginvolving a flight and a new character. You can see a little bit of the scene I'm writing here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/8402489

How am I finding the time? Right now I have no idea. I'm just working all day. I'm not neglecting my work here, of course, this is still my #1 priority, I just have a couple of other things to do as well now. I guess it's good to be busy!

Leave us your comments! We wants them!




Enjoy your holiday in April and relax - you really have earned it :)


Not really intentional on my part, at least at first...