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tl;dr - I'm now getting into making Let Me Out, as well as doing a bit of writing for PAT.

This week's image

I admit this image is a little bit of a spoiler, I'd like this character to show up as a pure surprise in the game, but it might be a little too hard to really keep you up to date on what I'm doing without showing her to you. What do you think? I was going for a kind of elf Elvira vibe. Elfvira. (That's not her name.)

Worked on Let Me Out

I've been designing images, writing and programming for Let Me Out this week. I've had a lot of ideas and previous designs of the characters, but I'm still deciding on a lot of things and really working out how the game fits together.

It's definitely going to have more endings - it won't start out with them all but I' have several scenarios in mind that would make for good conclusions. There's going to be a lot more content in this one so that'll likely mean it takes longer to make than the one month that Let Me In took.

I would say I've already got a good jump on the workload for image design in the game; there's still a bunch I need to make but it's a much smaller load than in something like PAL and many of them are similar (being in the same main location with a small group of characters) so I can take certain shortcuts without it diminishing the game. I mean, I took quite a lot of shortcuts on Let Me In because that was a prototype test game, I'm not taking so many with Let Me Out but there's still some ways for me to save time.

So yeah, I'm still shaping this game and deciding what kind of content will be in it. Navigating what kind of kinks will appear and what the tone of the game will be is one of the main jobs I've got right now, as well as trying to keep it all clear and consistent. I came up with a new character to appear in some ending scenarios this week, so that's fun. :)

One of the biggest tools I've been using is a private live AIF with EFon as the player, but I can't share that one, it doesn't suit the format for a public live AIF (the responses are too short). Anyway, it's a helpful method to write much of the game in response to commands given by a player, even if it lends itself sometimes to rushing commands. I wrote a lot of PAL that way.

Other stuff

Apart from LMO I've done a little bit of writing work for Pervert Action: Timelapse. Still mostly preliminary stuff, I'm not in the full writing phase yet. I tend to feel out the tone of the characters first by writing a few scenes here or there that I feel give them a sense of character. I've also been working a little on the writing for a commission.

What do you think? I'd love to hear your opinions!
