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tl;dr - PAL is released! Finally. Also, I want you to submit commands for Let Me Out! BTW, I delayed this update deliberately for a day just to leave time for PAL to be at the top of the feed.

PAL released!

So you may have noticed that I released a game called Pervert Action: Legacy this week. I'm proud of my work and I hope you're all enjoying it. :) There was actually a fair bit of work to releasing the game, I needed to post on a lot of sites, write up a good promo, do a lot of uploading and generally faf about with stuff that I don't really want to be doing. I ran into some problems with officious forum rules and getting the hosting in order.

I want to be writing, but whatever, this is the big release moment! Time to enjoy it a little, right? And I am pleased about how the game is being received, it seems like people are happy with it, which obviously is what I was hoping for. Actually, the release has been stressful and time consuming more than anything else, but it's a necessary evil.

A seemingly small, but kind of big thing: I'm not planning on giving away the game's solutions from this point, but that doesn't mean I don't want other people doing it. I just want to leave space for the players to answer those kind of questions. There are now some walkthroughs being compiled if you're looking for them, such as here: https://www.reddit.com/r/AIFCentral/comments/5r0q9w/pervert_action_legacy_walkthrough/  

Tomorrow Sacci, GrilloWorks and Iku have a treat for you!

You may have seen the picture already, but tomorrow I'll post a treat for you guys. Like I said above I've just been holding off from other posts to avoid swamping the feed while the game release is at the top.

Suggest some commands!

So the reason I didn't have a "this week's image" section was that I wanted to say down here that this is at least a proposed 'main' image for my next, shorter game after PAL, Let Me Out. Feel free to critique this image - I want to get it right before making the game so I'm willing to make some more changes. I'm not 100% happy with it, but I've run up against the problem that the 3D assets available to me have limitations and there's just not something better to buy right now. I think I did okay considering what I have available.

If you've played Let Me In then you'll know who Twyla is; if you haven't then she's a princess who was locked in a tower all her life until a goblin turned up and they got it on.

Anyway, now Twyla has been captured by orcs! Oh, no! How can she possibly get out of this situationI'msureyoucankindoftellalready? Now I need you to suggest some commands for Twyla to say. What would you type? Remember, this game will only take proper sentences - you're putting words into Twyla's mouth. We can also assume she's covered "hello" and introduced herself. What else would you try? Probably everything that is suggested here will make it into the game.

What are you waiting for?



Hank Rillek

Some ''show girl' content: 'Do you like my: hair/face/tits/ass. Basically any question that will let Twyla show her body.


She could joke around: " is that a club in your pants or are you just happy to see me." or ask what his name was, while pointing at the skull. Cause we all know Orcs have a huge sense of humor.


I like those - the joke is probably one that will crop up; and while you can't tell her to point at the skull (since you can only put words in her mouth) asking the skull's name is a potential avenue to pursue. BTW, the skull is cooler than you'd think. You'll see eventually. :)