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tl;dr - I've finished this scene and got the release done for the month; now I'm looking at what I should do for the release after.

This week's image

This is another pic from the new scene, obviously. I know the blue lighting in the toilets makes it a little hard to see, but if you look closely you'll see this one is the money shot. I did try some techniques in post to make that a little clearer, but none of it really looked right.

Starting work on the next one

I've got this scene wrapped up and completed in the release for next month now, (I think it turned out well, although the voice acting for it will have to wait for a future release) so I can start focusing on the next release after that. I'd like to start getting back the buffer I had ahead of my schedule for a while this year.

I've got a Nobuko toy scene partly made that I might work on for the release, as well as maybe some other little bits of things, (maybe some phone messages or something) or maybe I'll change my mind and focus on something else, like an Emi/Shizu side story that I've had in mind.

Which of those scenes sounds more interesting to you? And is the detail of the picture clear enough? Let me know in the comments!




really wish the blank card spots had some hint for where to look to get the card.


Hmm, interesting idea although I don't think (as the game is designed at the moment) that it would be possible. Right now for the card view I'm using an in-built UI element that comes with the engine, because the screen would otherwise be a bit complex to create and could be buggy. Unfortunately that means I can't really edit it. This is the kind of guide I'd like to see the player community create, really, since it's sort of a completionist thing and feels like it should be a product of inquisitive players tracking them down, but sadly players don't seem to make those as much as they used to any more.