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tl;dr - Yes, we're back in 2016 after our brief trip to the future last week (I titled it with the wrong date) and the full beta is getting close!

This week's image

Another image I can't say too much about. I don't want to show you everything from the harem ending, but of course I have to show you something. That said, you really aren't getting much story here - I won't even say if this is quite the end, because there may be more to see...

PAL is now feature complete and I've just released the beta!

The full feature-complete beta is available here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/7232930 

You probably saw my announcement this week that I had finished adding content to the game. That's because this week I finished the last of the writing, voice editing, image design and programming (apart from bug fixing and tweaks). That's a pretty big deal!

The update from 0.14.0 to 0.15.0 is so big that the file size has jumped up by 129mb, making this the biggest update of all. Even bigger than the early updates when it was easy to increase the size because nothing was in the game yet. That should tell you that the harem ending and victory suite comprise quite a lot of content.

Finally, before releasing the beta I needed to test it myself to make sure there weren't glaring bugs in it, like some command that is required to progress through the game just not working at all, or something. This is a time consuming process because I have to play the game from start to finish, more or less completionist, and when I find mistakes I have to go and fix them. Sometimes this means I have to start over again.

Starting up the beta phase

As part of the new reward structure I've decided that $5 patrons will get access to the second beta version. Not sure how long it will take to make that one. It is important to have some people testing a later version that haven't seen the earlier versions in order to give the project some fresh eyes anyway.

I don't know how long the beta will last. Part of me would really like it to end before the new year so I can put out an official release in 2016 (a race against time!) but I don't know, it may need to be a bit longer.

I will be relying on you guys for good testing feedback! I am recruiting some extra testers but that's probably not going to be enough from now on. If you are playing v0.15.0 or later, as far as you're concerned the game should now be perfect. You should assume that I think it's perfect. If it isn't then you should point out the imperfections. I'm not planning to really change things at this stage unless there is a new reason to do so that is revealed to me in testing.

Got a comment to share? Drop it below!




Hey fantastic job well done, really like how everything came together at the end. I do have something to report here in the suite there is a bug at the harem scene where it sends me to the Fumi sex scene.


I got another report about that - would you mind sending me a save game with that bug? (If you've got one.) It would make the issue a lot easier to find. My email is bbben.aif@gmail.com