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tl;dr - I'm so ahead of schedule I've already finished v0.39 and v0.40; I had a covid scare but I'm fine; the Lord Goblin demo is coming soon!

This week's images

I haven't even got a good idea of whether I've shared these before, but I think they might be new to you guys. Regardless, even if I have shown them they probably merit another look. :) These are coming up in the next update!

Also, I've included a new character sheet from Lord Goblin - this one is for Cliona the Barbarian!

Releases ready to go!

This week I finished up the 0.39 release and scheduled it to drop on the 2nd of next month. Then, two days later, I finished up the 0.40 release and scheduled that for the 2nd of May. Yes, I'm now two releases and more than a month ahead of schedule!

Okay, maybe you're thinking I should just put all these updates in 0.39, but I am going to use this time so I can tackle stuff that requires a little more work. I have an idea of what I think might be up for the June release, but I won't say just yet in case I change my mind. 

I also have some other scenes that are mostly or completely ready to drop later on, but rather than just queue them up now, I'm holding them back to allow myself more free development time for other major goals. I always tend to work best when I feel free to just work on my own impulse; I know a lot of people really respond to deadlines and pressure, but not me, I'm the opposite.

Anyway, long story short, development is going really well right now and I think these new releases are really cool, as well as being more than on-track for release at my end.

COVID scare

This week I also had some mild cold symptoms, so I had to quarantine and get a PCR test. Fortunately it's come back negative and I got better very quickly, so I guess it was just a cold I fought off right away.

Lord Goblin demo coming sooooooon...!

We're really getting close now to putting out the first demo for Lord Goblin! I'm pretty excited and I hope you will be too when you get to try it out! Stay tuned, although obviously I'll let you know when it drops. :) I revealed Cliona this week, so there's just one more maid yet to be unveiled now.

Do you like the images? And have I shown them before? What do you think of the other big news? Let me know in the comments below!



Frank Kuschmann

You are right Ben! I can good understand you. The best results you get if you take your time. Deadlines and pressure were still never helpful to get to outstanding things. I recall about the release of "Gothic 3". It supposed to become an outstanding bestseller but the publisher exerted pressure on the developer to release it sooner. Despite of that I loved all the games from Piranha Bytes and so "Gothic 3" of course too. But unfortunately whole wide areas inside its large open world were simply empty and not filled yet because its too early release. That's why you must take your time at all costs. I will looking forward of it anyways.

Wild Bill

Cliona looks great, submissive barbarian warrior sounds really hot. Shame she isn't a bit more muscular.


We tried out a more muscular look for her too, but ultimately I just preferred this take on her. She's still pretty fit.


If anything, it's just a matter of whether I can give myself that time, but at the moment I can, so things are going well.

Frank Kuschmann

I don't really know. I personally don't like muscular women.