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tl;dr - v0.38 is ready, so I'm working on voice scripts and the Emi/Nobuko threesome for the future. Also, I'm being flooded!


The area where I live is flooding! Yes, proper flooding, with a lot of homes going under.

Fortunately for me, my place is quite high up so I should be safe, but it's a pretty major inconvenience as it's cutting off the roads around me. 

At time of writing I have power and water and I can still get in and out of the neighbourhood, but this is a scheduled post and I don't know whether things are going to get worse - they very well could. In fact, by the time you're reading this I could be cut off from power, so if I go dark for a while that'll be why.

I've been through worse than this before, though, and there's no need to panic. The worst that could happen is to be without power for a couple of days, so I'm preparing for that. In fact, the next game release is already scheduled too, so I won't even miss a post!

This week's images

There's a bunch of new phone messages in the upcoming release, so I've included some of those this week. (You get extra since there wasn't an update last week.) I have a newer design of how the images display on the phone in-game now, with the phone positioned closer to the screen and the images maximised, so they'll be clearer to see than the previous messages.

I've also included two more pages of the PAL comic, Pervert Action: Server for $12 patrons! Kimiko feels like she needs her Master to punish her tonight! Remember, these are just a sample and I won't be posting them forever, but if you're looking for the latest new page it's here.

Preparing v0.38

The next release is more or less ready, as I've now uploaded it. I did add in one new image this week for the interactive Hirai/Nobuko/Shizu scene and I extended it a bit as there seemed to be a lot of interest in the scene and I had an idea for a new pose for it, so I hope you'll enjoy that one!

Work for the future

I've sent out a bunch of voice scripts this week, so there should be a fair bit of new voicing in the releases coming in the next few months!

I'm also working on the Emi/Nobuko threesome scenes, as I'd like to make those the focus of release 0.39. I've got the sex scene and the daytime date written now, and the images done, so I've just got to finish writing the night time date and then I can start programming it. It'd be great to have that mostly done by the time 0.38 comes out! (Although I'm still waiting for most of the voice lines for those scenes, of course.)

What do you think of the plans I've got for the upcoming releases? Do you like the images? Let me know in the comments below!




Love the Noboku and Emi pics! I can't wait to see the threesome scenes. I hope we'll also get more dp/split roast scenes with both of them as well!

Frank Kuschmann

I love the crabby Kimiko. But unfortunately she didn't love me. Always grouchy and cold at least against me - lol.

Frank Kuschmann

I've given her a spank beating as Rio told me but it didn't help.


You just have to build up her relationship like in PAT; discipline with a high hand skill tends to be the most effective with Kimiko for that. And hand-based night service.