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tl;dr - I've got some of my PAL comic to show off because otherwise nobody will know what they're getting for the $12 tier!

The PAL comic

As you probably know I make a comic based on Pervert Action: Legacy for $12 patrons; basically something that I figured that might be worth an extra $2 for some patrons on top of getting the games.

It's a niche thing, and presumably not to everyone's interest; mostly just for big fans of PAL, but it's fun to make and I think it's really been turning out well. I also realised, however, that since hardly anyone's actually seen it I can't really expect too many people to pledge at that level, so I'll be showing some of the series for free. I won't make all the series free; I'll probably just show issue 1 or something like that. (I'm already on issue 2 and I've done some bonus stuff as well.)

Maybe that's a bad idea because I also think issue 2 is clearly getting a lot better in visual quality and I'd like to show off the cool stuff I've been working on, since I've been learning quickly about making comics and I've been more and more using panel designs and interesting effects like the occasional animated page. I release a page a week, but I've been trying to make those pages denser with interesting stuff, so it doesn't feel like there's any filler. (For issue 1 I felt some pages were a little light so I released several at once sometimes.)

But... the potential audience for this comic is also pretty small anyway, since you kind of have to have played PAL and want to see more, so I can probably just show some of the early stuff. Therefore I'm going to be posting pages from issue 1 for a few weeks and then stopping, and if you like them and want more, you'll know how you can get them. :) Otherwise it's just a freebie, I suppose. (I'll slip these in as bonuses on the next few update posts.)

I'll talk more about the progress on the game next week, but tell me if you're interested in the comic! (If not, that's cool too...)




Oh hell Yes I need this in my Life!!!