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I've made some changes based on the feedback to the poster's first draft. I've cleared out the monsters, made the maids a little bigger and more spread out, and I've made Ai a little smaller and more in the background to make her less obvious. I do want to keep her in there, though, because I want the poster to demonstrate that there is a range of different girls with different body types in the game.

I also changed Iku's pose because I thought something was inexplicably not working with it in the last pic; I turned Rio's head because the angle of the lighting in the last shot made her look a little weird; and I re-angled Fumi slightly to better show off her pose and figure. Oh, and I changed the arrangement of the symbols up the top.

So what do you think? Have the changes made anything better? Worse? Have you noticed any problems that you didn't before? Is the title still legible with the girls' feet behind it?




Better, probably a shadow of a monster or monsters in the rear {they don't need to be at the center) could add also the dangers they have to fight, but there are already much characters so probably the images would be cramped, you could do more little the characters so to leave space in the borders, but I'm not sure of the results. Also adding the shadow of the merchant could be an idea (also in this case is better tge shadow that a true image probably).in any case the images is good also in this way, only is normal with nothing strange or particular.

Hank Rillek

Looks a lot better already!