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tl;dr - The last things to do for the build are to add Mika voicing and test it. I've also tweaked the day 21 ending choice scene.

This week's images

Two more animated gifs for you!

In the game you'll move between these angles during the animation; there's a face angle too, but because of slight variations in it, I can't loop such a short amount of frames. The gif has to be longer and thus much to large to upload this way.

Mika voicing on its way

Before Christmas I finished up most of the work on the Mika sex scene, but I didn't have the voice acting, so the last part of getting the January release ready is editing and adding that, then testing the whole thing.

That has meant I haven't been able to release the build early in the month like I prefer to do, but the next build will probably be fine to release early in February. It's some quick follow up material, like texts and wake ups, etc, which need to fill in the content gaps. A lot of the work on that is already done, so I just have to polish it a little and make a few more images.

Ending tweaks

The current game ending on day 21 needs some work, so I've revised the scene slightly with music and a little animation to start it. I've also added the top-right menu options on that screen, so that you can save on the ending choice options - something I know people would like to be able to do.

At some point I'll have to go add a proper "failure" ending in, but I haven't quite figured out what that will look like yet. I'll try to knock that out soon, I suppose, although it's a little thankless because I know that's not a part of the game anyone will be excited about.

What do you think of the animations? Looking forward to trying the Mika sex scene? Let me know in the comments below!
