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tl;dr - I've made big progress on the Mika sex scene this week, but the next release will still likely be the Emi toy scene and the Shizu/Hirai massager scene.

This week's images

I had some comments that people weren't aware that this Emi scene is her upcoming toy scene, so here's a few extra pictures to show how it's going to work.

The idea with this scene will be that you can take various toys in and get a short interactive scene with them, then you can revisit this scene with other items and try them out on her. I might do this with the other girls, but I also kind of like this being Emi's thing - that she just gets a hub scene that lets her use any of the toys whenever one's introduced for another girl.

Also, here's a 2021 version of my Kimiko Thanksgiving picture, for the Americans out there.

Next release

For the next release, I'm likely just going to have to pull together some stuff I can mostly get finished early next month, but don't worry - that's not a sign things are going badly in production of the game. Actually, progress has been great recently, but I just happen to have a bunch of things that are getting close to finished, but they aren't quite done yet. Several months' worth.

I think, as I stated last week, that these will be the Emi toy scene (above) and the Shizu/Hirai massager scene. Neither's likely to have voice acting by next month, but I will add that later. I just don't think I'll be able to get the scripts sent out then get the recordings back in time to edit them for a reasonable release schedule, but that can always come later and the Shizu one won't have any real dialogue for her regardless.

The Emi scene won't have all the toys to start with; just a couple. As I add more toys into the game, I'll also add them to the Emi scene.

Mika sex scene

I've been getting a bit distracted by other scenes this month, but that's good in that I've had good ideas for some of the future contents and it's going to make the upcoming releases better.

In particular I've made some substantial progress on the Mika sex scene, which is great. I've got a clear sense of how the scene will flow and I've made some animations for it, too, which I'll show in future updates. I like to make sure that each of the main sex scenes has a bit of animation and this week I've made two animated sections, one of which shows three different angles, so I think it should come across pretty well.

Animations are very hard to make in Daz and particularly because I'm working with older models that aren't compatible with modern store-bought animations or anything like that. I have to make them myself and deal with any bugs and issues that crop up, so it's not really an efficient use of my time, most of the time. Maybe one day I'll make a game in a live 3D environment and things will be different, who knows?

Anyway, the Mika scene might finally be getting close enough to ready that I could maybe make it the focus of the January release.

So what do you think of the idea for this repeatable Emi scene where she gets to try all the different toys? And are you interested to finally see the Mika sex scene? Do animations make a difference for you? Let me know in the comments below!



Wild Bill

I really like sex toys so the opportunity to use a whole bunch of them on her sounds great. Would be nice to use them on the other girls too of course, but if it's just her thing then that's OK.


The other girls will definitely get specific scenes with the toys; I'm just not sure yet whether they'll get a scene with all of them, the way I'd like this Emi scene to work. I think there's a nice, fun tone to having a scene where they play with a wide array of stuff, but it might get a little hard to write if I had to do that same scene for each of them.