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tl;dr - I'm filling in some of the gaps in the Mika content this month, as well as a stack of big bug fixes (or attempts).

This week's image

Here's some stuff coming up in the next release - a bunch of selfies from Mika, since I'm going to be implementing her text messages very soon. I'm not sure if I chose the right image to be the top one as it looks a little too close up for a blown up post on Patreon, but it'll work in the game. ;)

Actually, not all these selfie shots are going to show up just yet - some are for after the sex scene, but she's not afraid to tease before that, either.

I also threw in a couple of costume developments I worked on to bring them in line with my newly revised morphs - Nobuko and Shizu in their lingerie. These are the outfits I've got planned for the Nobuko/Shizu threesome, if you're wondering.

What will be in the next release?

Since I had to pivot away from releasing the Shizu ending this month for practical reasons, as I mentioned previously, I should outline what I'm actually putting in this month:

  • Mika's fourth date chat and fourth flashback scene,
  • Mika's jealous text messages,
  • Mika's wake up scenes, both angry and a bit nicer,
  • And the option to tell Hirai "no" permanently.

So apart from the Hirai think I've previously discussed, that's mostly stuff filling in the gaps of what's currently not functional in Mika's content.

Bug fixing

That's just the content, though, and in many ways the real meat of this next release will be the work on the bugs that I've been doing. I've mentioned most of this already, but here's what I've been working on:

  • A possible fix for the "now loading" freezes (I need more testing data to know if it works),
  • A fix for the broken saved games in scenes with choices (also needs more feedback from testing),
  • A fix for the game getting messed up and stats carrying over if you restart the game immediately after getting an ending,
  • Fixed a couple of cases of the message box not showing up when it should,
  • and fixed some stuff not clearing properly when the subway menu is closed.

These have taken a lot of effort, I'll be frank, but they were important! (Even if the "now loading" bug isn't totally resolved, although I hope it gets better, at least.) I can't be guaranteed they work, because I can't even replicate all these bugs on my systems, but if you can give me any info after I release it then that will be very helpful!

Are you a bad enough dude to send me feedback on the bug fixes on the upcoming v0.29 build? Let me know in the comments!



Wild Bill

I'm not a fan of that nose stud she has, but everything else about her is amazing. And the girls look really nice in the lingerie too.


Glad to hear it; I'm not sure if I chose the right image to be the top one as it looks a little too close up for a blown up post on Patreon, but it'll work in the game. ;) Actually, I might add that note in the post...


What kind of feedback are you looking for? Do you have test cases that we can run through to mimic what is needed for the bug to be tested?


When it comes to the "now loading" bug, either you get it often when loading the apartment (and you'd definitely know it if you were) or you can't replicate it at all. I can't replicate it myself, I'm afraid, but I have trouble getting the people who do to help test new versions. For the broken save games before choices bug, just let me know if you save the game before making a choice and then when you load it the choices just don't appear and the game freezes.


If you give me a bug list with the version and steps you know that could replicate them, I can test it.


Thanks, that's generous of you; it's not urgent right this minute so I'll try to remember to get back to you about that when it's time. :)


BBBen, I'm one of the "Now Loading" victims. But since I switched to the 32-bit version after 21-1, I haven't seen the issue return. I can test the 64-bit version on 29-1 to see if the issue persists. If you have metrics you want me to measure for, I can put some time in.


Thank you! The new release is all set up with the new files, so basically the only metric I'm concerned about is whether it crashes on the "now loading" screen at all during the course of the gameplay. We haven't exactly nailed down more specific signals than that, but it generally will happen when the game is trying to load the apartment scene.


BBBen, I ran through the 64-bit version a couple of times completing both endings. I enabled audio through both runs. I tried to simulate 'worst case scenarios' so I had multiple high resource applications running simultaneously. I watched the cpu/memory usage during the runs. I monitored "now loading" times between each event and while there were some "long periods of now loading", the game never froze. I never had to restart. I assume that any memory leaks have been mitigated. It would seem that most of the reasons for the "now loading" issues were cleared up.


Thank you for the testing! It shouldn't matter whether audio is on or not since it'll load either way and I don't *think* it matters whether there's anything else going in the background, but I appreciate the thoroughness either way as I can't be sure. It's great to hear that it's now working for you and this is another good confirmation that the workaround seems to be successful! That really makes a huge difference to my ability to distribute the game, because not having to worry about large numbers of (justified) complaints that it won't run makes me much more confident in releasing it widely.