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You're probably tired of everyone telling you about what they're doing during the pandemic, but I need to as well. Don't worry, I want this campaign to be a fun little oasis and I won't be getting serious all the time, but there's a couple of things I need to say.

During the current crisis

I'm quite lucky in that I can keep working on this from home, obviously. Assuming, that is, that I still get support to keep making PAT. I'm really glad that I can keep most aspects of my life fairly similar to how they were before.

Just to be absolutely clear I know that there are people who aren't going to be so lucky and are going to be in difficult financial situations going forward, and if that's you then I don't want you feeling guilty about ensuring that you or your family are okay - please do what you need to do. Just note "COVID-19" in your exit survey if you have to leave for that reason.


Right now your support counts for a lot

During any time of crisis the Australian dollar falls in value, which means my savings are worth less but it also means that Patreon income, (which I get in US dollars) is worth more and more. Having income in $USD is actually a really valuable thing for me right now! If I get the same amount of pledges this month as last month (which I probably won't quite match) then I'd get literally hundreds more in Australian dollars just because of the exchange rate.

Obviously I'm trying to be careful about my spending for the future, too, but there's other people, like the voice actors, who benefit from me being able to commission work from them. And just to get personal for a moment, if my income holds up then that will count for a lot with my family, whom I can help to support as they have income problems.

The free releases will keep coming!

I plan to keep those free releases coming too. I want people who are fans of the game but in hard times to still enjoy it, and free releases have always been part of my approach.

In fact, we're getting into a really great phase in development when I'll finally have most of the core story laid down and I can just focus on including the most fun and interesting stuff I can come up with. You can expect kinky threesomes, new characters and surprises all over the place. I'm feeling good about where the game is going!

The important bit

So anyway, what I'm really getting at with all this is that my thoughts are with all of you and I want to say thank you yet again to those of you who can and do support me right now. I'm always grateful for that, but now more than ever. I'll do my best to keep you entertained.

Thanks for reading through this; here's a picture I've shown before (and it's in the game) but you know, I like it. Nobuko had a problem with her button and took a selfie of it. ;)

I'd go even naughtier, but Patreon rules forbid anything too lewd on a public page. But anyway, I'll have a regular update for patrons tomorrow, talking about how the game's going.

Stay safe and well, stay inside and keep washing those hands!



The power of boobs compels you to be be safe, and hygienic, and do the social/physical distancing thing

Laird Ruari

Thanks Ben The US stock market has been especially brutal on investors. COVID-19 has played havoc on US employment and businesses so times here and abroad are really tough ATM. The free releases are quite welcome.


my game still wont get past that loading screen the public version worked just fine so i dont know whats wrong here sorry i dont know anything about computers.


You're still not having any luck with the version I sent you in DM? I just need to check to be sure, because that absolutely should have worked, as far as I know.


It's also really strange that the public version would work fine and the patrons' version wouldn't. If anything, the patrons' version should be more likely to work, not less.


If that version isn't working then I think I can only offer you a refund and my apologies, because I don't think I can fix it at that point.


Hello BBBen im having the same issue. and i even downloaded the no mic version.


What scene is it crashing at? I assume it's at some point where it's trying to load the apartment.


Yes..that’s the scene where it just say loading..I even loaded the no music version


Well, I suppose you could try the HTML version instead (it runs in a web browser, but if you have any script blocking stuff, like ad blockers, that might block the game from running too). I don't know that it'll have much chance of succeeding, since the problem is with the audio decoding system built into the engine, but maybe it's worth a try. Honestly, I'm kind of at my wits' end trying to figure out how to stop this bug for the people who get it; I've spent a huge amount of time working on it and it's still occurring.


Ok thank you for getting back with me so fast...I’ll give it a try


I hope it helps; if it does please let me know. If it doesn't, I'm afraid I'm kind of out of ideas for it, other than playing it on a different device.