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tl;dr - I got the patrons' release out and I feel like I need a creative break, so I'm taking a few days off.

This week's image

This one is for the next update - something I just made today after seeing an interesting pose online. This one is AI enhanced but I've also included a close up shot.

Let me know what you think!

Work this week

I got the new patrons' update done this week as you might have noticed, and it took me so long to get this one done that I put in a little extra effort and put together two new interactive scenes, one with Nobuko and one with Emi, both shower scenes, to flesh out the content for this month a bit more. So it's a pretty big release, even if I didn't actually solve the loading bug, unfortunately. For the moment I'm just putting out a version that doesn't have music in the apartment and so it won't crash on as many systems.

After all this I've been feeling a bit creatively fried and I recognise what I need is a bit of a break - preferably a holiday - just to recharge the batteries and come back at the game feeling refreshed. Unfortunately my trip to Japan and Thailand that I was going to take in April got cancelled due to COVID-19 and I don't think it'll be clear for travel again for a little while, so that's a little difficult for me now. As a half-measure I've been taking a few days off; maybe a week or something, just free from creative work. I've still got day job stuff to do, but otherwise I'm trying to just play some video games and relax as best I can.

What's upcoming?

I know pretty well what the next couple of updates are going to include - the next one is going to contain the one-on-one sex scene with Shizu in which she joins the harem, as well as some of the follow-up stuff from that like her wake up scene, and then the one after that will include some more follow-up content and a couple more sex scenes with Emi and Nobuko. I may try to squeeze in a bit more of the main plot line as well.

After that I have a little bit of freedom to develop for a while. I think it would be good to start getting some endings done, but there are also some threesome scenes I should get into and some new characters to introduce, so there's a lot of possibilities ahead. I'll be asking soon what you guys would like to see, although I have to keep that to myself to some degree too, of course.

What would you like to see me focus on after Shizu joins the harem? Let me know in the comments!




I would like to see the hiriari content start getting added a little or at least a frame work for what you add next. Keep up the good work


That's definitely one of the things on the list; I think there's a better justification that I could do it soon, yeah.


Yeah, threesomes with Hirai should be high on the list :)