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tl;dr - I released the latest update this week and I'd like your opinions on a new Mika outfit.

This week's image

I made this one for a relatively hard to find scene that I decided to slip into the game. I actually haven't written this scene yet, so I don't know when it might find its way in, but I liked how the picture turned out.

The latest release

As you probably saw, this week I released v0.12 of the game. That was a bit of a crunch in the last days, but I had to do it because the release was already a fair bit later in the month than I would have preferred, and the Christmas period means I'm going to have to take some time off and miss potential work hours to prepare the January release.

I've also made a Xmas pic which you'll get for the update next week, and I've done some work on some long term stuff that I can't really talk about at the moment.

Next release

Hopefully the next update won't be quite as much of a slog for me because I won't be as creatively restricted; this update had a lot of aspects that really forced me to write in a very specific way. I think the scene turned out well, but it was tougher to do than usual. Next time I'm planning on focusing very much on just advancing Shizu's story a bunch. Hopefully that will be a little bit more liberating and fun for me to write too!

Mika outfit

Hey, here's a thing - I'd like a little feedback on this outfit. I think it works, but I'd like to know your opinions. I know you haven't seen much of Mika yet, but this is what I've put together as her "classy lassy" outfit for dressing up at night.

What do you think of the Nobuko pic? And what about Mika's outfit - does it work? Should I make any changes? Let me know in the comments!




HOLY yes, yes it does. The tan lines are a great touch :)

Laird Ruari

The Nobuko pic is a home run. I'm not seeing the hat but the rest is cool.


Glad you like it. And Mika never steps out without a hat - that's just the way she is, I'm afraid. ;)


Both are very nice pictures! I think Laird Ruari is right, how about trying a different maybe more shiny hat? Keep up the great work!


I can change the texture easily enough; is it the whole hat that's an issue or just the texture of it?

Wild Bill

Maybe try the hat in a contrasting colour like white or tan?


Yes that would also be a nice idea. I think the hat itself is not the issue.

Laird Ruari

Maybe a smaller cowboy style hat or different one altogether? The rest is great.


I'm thinking of maybe doubling down and going with a more cowgirl look, but I'll think about it, sure.