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tl;dr - I'm a little behind schedule but the next release shouldn't be too far away. Sexy fun with Nobuko is on its way!

This week's image

Here's a pic from the upcoming Nobuko scene! It's kind of self-explanatory, I think, so I don't really have a lot to say about it. I think this one turned out well, what do you think?

Behind schedule

It's not a huge deal, but if I'd been on track with the releases I hoped to make then I'd have a new patron release and a new public release out already. Unfortunately, I've had a lot of stressful distractions and some of the work has turned out to be more time consuming than I planned. I've been working on the game every day, but it just hasn't been as fast as I wanted.

I'm getting fairly close, though. There's just some modest writing sections I need to finish, then I need to program the scripts into the game and test them. All in all not a huge amount of work, so I expect to be able to release both versions fairly soon. It depends a little on stuff outside my control, but I will do my best at my end to get this month's content finished soon.

Nobuko scene

The focus of the new update, or at least the biggest feature in my opinion, is a new interactive Nobuko sex scene! I think it's a pretty interesting scene and I hope you'll enjoy it; actually, I just hope you're keen to discover more about Nobuko in general. The picture above is from the scene, and while I'm at it here's another picture from the scene! Because why not?

This is one of those images I make just because I feel like there's a gap that doesn't have enough pictures in it, but I quite like it.

What do you think about the pictures this week? Let me know in the comments!
