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tl;dr - I've been getting back in the saddle after my holiday and I've worked up some new interstitial animations.

This week's image

Have I shown anything from this scene yet? I can't remember. Probably not, considering it opens up a lot of potential conversation. I figure it's time, though, because I'm working on this scene at the moment.

I don't want to give away too many spoilers, though! What do you think is going on here? Let me know in the comments!

I'm back! Well, sorta.

I got back from my holiday a week ago - actually my last post was a scheduled post, but I'd timed it to drop pretty much as I was getting out of the airport. So I've had a whole week since then, right? Well, um...

You see, I had sleeping pills on the overnight flight which really messed me up on the following day - I napped for the middle of the day, was groggy for several hours, then slept for another 14 hours, right up to midday on Tuesday. Then I was all goofy from that and on Wednesday I had to try and get back into my day job a bit. Long story short, I've been kind of all over the place this week and I haven't really been all that productive, by my own standards. Stuff that I felt would take a day or so has pretty much been the whole week's worth of work.

Still, I'm getting gradually back into the rhythm; I just need to get myself really engaged with the project again.

Interstitial animations

One thing I have got done this week is that I've made some little animations of characters moving as you enter a room they're in. This is part of my general approach to try and make the screens of the game feel alive and in motion. Here's a video:


At the moment I'm thinking I'll only have these trigger once a day, so they don't slow down the game too much. That might need a little tweaking over time, as I do more testing. Let me know if these seem like a good or bad addition, or if once per day is too much or anything like that!

I put in a couple of questions in the post above, so... you know, feel free to answer them. :)




Very nice picture, thanks! And seriously, how could too much content be a problem?


Oh oops I thought you were putting out a video once per day lol...as for slowing the game down, its not for me to say. Some people have slower comps, so an option to turn off animation would be the best compromise I'd say.


That might be a bit difficult because they're important to some parts, but I think it'll be okay for the slower computers because they're always just a small video file.


Glad you like the picture - there's more coming from this scene. ;)


I like the interstitial animations. Is there any way to give the player an opportunity to replay them, or just a "go-back" button?


Thanks! Well, it depends; in some cases not really, in some cases you can already replay them in one way or another, and in some cases I think allowing a replay might kind of show up problems with the animations. Do you have any specific ones that you think should get a replay?


Oh, sorry, did you mean the ones in the video? That makes sense. Actually, those will play once per day, so you can't replay them in the moment, but you will see them quite a lot in the game.


Any really, you get the option in Renpy games to go back, just wondered if it was possible in yours. Any Nobuko animations would be fine ;)


It's possible to code things to be repeatable - in general I try to provide you the options to replay when they're particularly interesting. ;) Usually you can just repeat the action to see it again, particularly if they're in sex scenes.