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tl;dr - I'm semi-unveiling this new character; I released Timelapse v0.6; and I'm planning to do some promotional videos of the game.

This week's image:

This week I thought I'd show you a little bit of this new character I've been thinking about. I'll say for now we can call her "Jez" but, as you'll eventually discover, you might not actually know her by that name at all. I can't say too much for fear of spoilers, but she's a rather mysterious girl and even giving you a definite name for her would be too much of a reveal right now.

You might have seen her in the poster I put up recently standing up the back. Of course, there's several characters in the poster you might not really know, but Jez kind of pops out because she's got a pretty distinctive look. I've already posted a couple of early designs of her on Discord, but I'd also like to know what you guys here think, too.

So why haven't I talked about her before? Firstly, she's a relatively recent idea for me; secondly, obviously spoilers are an issue; but thirdly and perhaps most importantly, I don't want to reveal ideas I'm considering because it kind of ties my hands into actually using those ideas. A lot of stuff I consider doing never makes it into my game projects and I generally don't want to tell you about something just to have to cut it later because that might be disappointing.

All that said, I'm still not confirming that I plan to use her! I'm just showing this because I'd actually like to hear what you think. (Also, poor Shizu, right?)

I released v0.6!

Finally, after all that work over the last couple of months getting the gameplay to function, I released the playable game to patrons. Sure, there's still plenty left to do to get the whole thing feeling like a complete experience, even before I start really building out the content, but I hope you agree that it's really come forward leaps and bounds lately, and I can also say that now these really hard parts of the development are passed I'm in a position where I can focus on making content rather than technical challenges for a good while!

If you want to try out v0.6, the release version is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/pervert-action-6-27426377 

Promo videos:

Lately, I have to admit it's been really hard to get new people to pay attention to anything I make. Generating any buzz or getting new eyes onto Timelapse has been way harder than it was back in 2017 and before then for Pervert Action: Legacy, when the pledges grew with relatively little marketing effort on my part. Why is this? I don't entirely know, but rather than just give up and pack in this whole Patreon campaign I feel I should try some more promotional ideas that I haven't done yet.

So I wanted to give you a heads up that I plan to put some of the sex content, including stuff just in the patrons-only versions, into videos that I'll upload to Pornhub. If you're super keen to avoid any spoilers then I wouldn't watch them, although the focus will mostly be just on straight up sex and there'll always be plenty in the game that doesn't make it into a video.

Hopefully I won't even have to do all that many of them and I'm only starting with one, but I need to reach out and find some new potential patrons (not that I don't love you guys, thanks for your support! I just hope to find some more...) so I hope you don't mind. Do tell me what you think, though, as I will take it into consideration even if you're not keen on the idea.

What do you think of the Jez design? And the promo videos plan? Also, have you played v0.6 and if so, what do you think? Let me know in the comments - I mean it!




I LOVE Jez, best design "decision" so far! I've always had a thing for goth girls, so this fits very nicely in that niche. As for the promo videos: Go for it. I understand that it's tough making a living through Patreon, so you'll need all the supporters that you can get.


Good to hear, thanks! I appreciate getting the feedback, because that's hard to get too.