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For the actual game I have to convert any animations to the low quality "webmhd" format, but when I create them they're in a somewhat higher quality mp4 version. They're not super high definition or anything, but they're better than what you'll see in the game and when you get them in a video file you can easily play them over and over, if you want. To be clear about this, these animations are something I already have as a result of making them, I just can't put them in the game.

I've made these into an additional $3 reward, but I just wanted to check with you guys to see if this is a good idea. Like, maybe if you felt your pledge money was going toward these animations and you weren't interested in them, this might make you less interested in pledging? Or am I over thinking it and it's just a good bonus? Let me know!

Would animations at the $3 level make you more interested in pledging, less interested or make no difference? (Bearing in mind a lot of you might already be patrons, of course!)


Didi & Nok' Tus

We don't have a lot of time to play games -- but we almost always have time to watch videos. ;-) Whether we'd up our pledge would depend on our budget, but we're definitely more interested.


I'm just happy that you're working on these cool games, a bonus is just that.


Thanks! I just want to make sure patrons are getting enough out of the deal. :)


It's definitely a cool bonus and one that doesn't really cost you more time. If I had the money to up my pledge, this would definitely have convinced me. (since the cheats well, ... :) )


I'm planning to find a way to slip some cheats in too, but right now... yeah. :)