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tl;dr - I've been working on PAT, preparing for the first release; and I've been getting the next release of PAL ready, with collector cards and Hiroshi scenes.

This week's image

Perhaps I shouldn't even show this shot, because to look at it right now you probably find the colour balance hard to look at. That's because with the white space around the picture makes the image look a lot darker than it actually is; when you see it in the game you'll find it a lot more pleasant to look at.

I designed this image specifically to have a weirdly lit, black-background presentation for the title sequence of PAT. Hopefully you'll get the idea when you see the titles. In the meantime, I thought you might like the pose. :) Do you know who that is on the bottom of the shot?

Pervert Action: Timelapse work

In my busy process of trying to transition over to PAT and desperately get a playable demo ready for a big, public release, I've been working a lot on the game's opening titles. That might seem a little unimportant, but the opening titles are going to tease some of the sexual content coming in the game, as well as doing a bit of storytelling work. And, of course, the opening titles can really have an impact on players' first impressions of a game.

I've also been working on the visuals, with test shots for new environments that I've already shown off somewhat, as well as a newly revised version of the main character (that's version 7 for him - still not a patch on Nobuko, who's up to version 22). With some of these revisions I had to do a little bit of re-rendering for important shots that I'm working on. Oh, and I did actually find a small way to get a bit more speed out of rendering times by reducing quality in some cases where you can't notice the difference; that's a nice little time economy that will hopefully come in handy before I upgrade my system to some crazy rendering beast.

When it comes to writing, I feel like I've made a big of progress here, too. Not so much in actual words to use for the game, but in defining the characters and understanding who they are. This is an important process and I spend a good amount of time trying to grapple with how the characters can best be expressed. I feel like Emi and Nobuko are pretty well covered and Shizu is mostly under control, with the caveat that I want to get more into her back-story, but the other characters needed a little more work. I think I've made some progress with all of them lately and I've been happy about that.

Next PAL release

The next PAL release is likely to be coming fairly soon. This month I've finished up the remaining collector cards, as well as the remaining Hiroshi scenes which were in the pipeline. Those were close enough to being done that I figured I might as well finish them up before concluding PAL's development and if you're a fan of the Hiroshi content I think you'll enjoy this update. There's a new fourth stage to Hiroshi's original "night service" requests coming, plus a Hiroshi/Iku/Kim scene and some other stuff. It should round out that content nicely. For the new collector cards, meanwhile, I've put in the three new objectives that you need to complete to earn them, so it's all go - all of the new collector cards are in the game.

Next month I'm going to be doing the "by request" release, when I just focus on finishing up the last patron commissioned scenes that I still have to satisfy. I think most players will enjoy that update, even if they're specific patron requests. In the mix is a Masami/Fumi ending, which I've decided to set up with a few extra scenes beforehand, so that that relationship is more developed before we get to that ending. In addition you'll see more exciting victory suite stuff, some focusing on Fumi, others following on from kinky stuff you've seen before. That's for next month, though. :)

Do you get what I'm going for with this picture? Do you think the next PAL release sounds okay? (It's okay if your answer is no!) What about the PAT titles - do you understand why I'm spending time on them? Let me know in the comments!




Love the pose, having a hard time figuring out who is on bottom there. Sort of want to say Mika, but I feel like there's some purposeful misdirection going on there. Interested to see where the 4th stage 'Night Service' scene will go, and definitely want to see where Iku/Kim/Hiroshi goes ...


It'll be clear who it is in the version in the game, bunt I decided to cut it out of here so as not to distract too much from Emi or give too much away just yet. :)


Should be Kumi on a relaxing break with her modeling partner. Where is my price?