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tl;dr - My public links are down?! Also, I've been working on 

This week's image

Nobuko's out in public but... what is she wearing?

Since this is a landscape shot, click on it to get the full sized image.

It's a little unusual for me to show you pictures I'm working on for Pervert Action: Timelapse, but I'm getting closer and closer to being able to start up on that game full time, so I might as well show you this little visual idea I put together.

What do you think? I was feeling like I wanted to put together a nice picture of the new Nobuko design naked; I think it turned out well, but I'd love to hear your thoughts. :)

Public links down

This is a real pain in the ass, but it seems that Patreon's on a crackdown on public links, so I'm trying not to violate their guidelines because I really don't want my account suspended. Therefore, the public links are down and I don't know when they'll be back up - I would love to put them up as soon as possible, so here's hoping it'll happen soon.

WHAT I HAVE HEARD is that Patreon's planning to put in an age gate, so I'll be able to post stuff that's NSFW publicly without getting my account suspended. I really, really hope that's coming soon.

If you have any suggestions about how I should deal with this, beyond what I'm already doing, I'd be happy to hear them, but I have thought about it a lot.

Pervert Action: Timelapse design work

I've bought a variety of new locations lately for PAT because this is, like I said in my last post, an important element for the game. I also find this fun, because I'm shaping the setting for the game and seeing what I can depict that really fits in with my vision for what that setting will be. The location isn't strictly based on what I can get 3D assets to show, of course; there's story reasons behind it. I do find it an interesting prompt, though, to see what sets are available for me to work with.

I actually don't know if I've talked about the setting of PAT before. Have I? Let me know either way - I can tell you either way that it's a fictional location inspired a lot by locations I've travelled to in the last few years in Asia, based a little bit on Singapore and Bangkok most of all.

Anyway, I've had some fun playing around with design ideas this week. 

Short new NTR scenes

I made a trio of short new NTR scenes between Hiroshi and the maids to follow up from the 'Hiroshi peeps on night service' chains of events. They're scenes that are kind of erotic, without being as explicit as stuff that had come before that. These new scenes are in the victory suite at the end of the "Hiroshi peep" chains, too.

I also reorganised Hiroshi's offers so they come a little bit earlier and finish a bit earlier. This might trigger a little bit of bugginess, but I wanted to do it to make the final days of the schedule a little less crowded and make more room for the more recent additions to the game. I feel like those late days have been way too full of stuff going on, potentially, and it's made it a little hard to add stuff later in the characters' story lines.

Attack of the Nega Maids

I've finally finished writing the introduction to the Nega Maids. I'm not totally happy with the scene that is the actual eponymous "attack of the Nega Maids" and if it weren't the title of the expansion I'd probably try to cut it. But, anyway, I've written it now and it's not that bad, but it's pretty vacuous and I just hope you like it more than I do. The rest of the content is, I think, just fine, but that opening has been a major pain for me.

I'm now mostly trying to get the programming finished for this stuff, as well as making a few needed images. This is actually proving really hard to finish on time. I wish I could get myself to really focus on it, but I keep getting distracted. It requires making a whole new enemy, which is a bit of a fuss.

I have, of course, done some work on this front. And I've done some work on some other stuff for PAL that probably won't come out this month, but I'm pretty happy with it. I've got some stuff I'm looking forward to showing you.

What do you think about the situation with the public links? What about the picture? And how about the other topics? Let me know in the comments!




Fantastic picture, I really like the new design. I'm a big fan of collars and chokers, particularly on a lady with certain ... dimensions. The PAT setting sounds interesting, I'm not really familiar with those areas myself; maybe my adult entertainment will double as cultural exchange, huh? =) Just curious, are the new NTR scenes for PAL part of the game or just victory suite scenes? Also, semi-related ... is NTR going to feature in PAT as well?


Thanks! New scenes in PAL: They're short scenes in the main game itself, yeah. NTR in PAT: Probably yes, but I don't exactly know how it fits yet. I'm going to expand the story as I develop the game; I have an end point in mind but not all the details in the middle.