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tl;dr - I'm finishing up PAL 1.8, I've completed the re-renders for Masami and Kimiko's scenes and I'm writing the Kimiko/Iku scene.

This week's image

Those of you who've been watching the Discord server have already seen this one, but I'm trying to avoid showing too many spoilers of what's to come in the next couple of updates so there's a lot of fun for you still to have when you play the game. :)

I think this one turned out fairly well, actually; it's a fun little pic. I was surprised that I was so quickly able to get a nice upskirt pic of Iku while still showing Masami in an angle where she could believably not see her. It turned out the trick to juggling all the visual elements was to do it from an angle where you couldn't see the faces of either Iku or Masami, which isn't too unsatisfying because you get close-ups of Iku at work as well.

Finishing up PAL v1.8.0

My main job this week was to finish up the update for v1.8.0. The finishing touches always seem like a small thing, but they take longer than I tend to expect. Also, I had some big stuff happening this week so I was generally busy with stuff intruding into my work time. I did a bunch of programming, rendering and tweaking; at time of writing I need to run a quick test and then upload it. The release, hopefully, should come around the 21st.

Re-rendering the Masami + Kimiko pictures

As I've already mentioned elsewhere I re-rendered the images for the Masami + Kimiko scene and ending, which was a big task because the actual rendering takes so long. I've finished this job now and it added up to 20 revised images, plus one new one that I added to the Kimiko/Masami ending. Oh, and I re-rendered the pic for when Kim's giving night service and Masami turns up by surprise. I think this is a good update to the game; I slightly tweaked some imperfect poses along the way and I just think those pics look a lot better now.

Oh, I should mention that I didn't replace any of Phinn's pictures; I can't, really. There's a bunch of them (14) in the scene and I'd have to make all new pictures to replace them, which would be very time consuming and not really worth it in the way that re-rendering my own pictures is an efficient way to improve the game. In the future I won't be using conflicting art styles, so the issue won't come up again anyway.

Here's a sample of the new art that I also put on the Discord server, in case you'd like to have another taste:

Writing the Kimiko + Iku scene (KimIku)

With most of the work on the PAL 1.8 update out of the way, I'm now shifting to work primarily on the writing for the KimIku threesome. I've already got stacks of pictures for it and I've just recently made more, but it needs writing too, naturally. Actually, the scene has (I think) by far the most images of any of the interactive sex scenes, since I've been making them for months now. Some of them are clustered, as in there might be a batch of different variations on a pose for one sex response, but there's still pretty good coverage across the whole scene, too. I do think you're going to like it. :)

Unfortunately this month has just been racing past! I really thought I'd be digging into the writing as my main job from about the 7th, not the 19th. This means I'll be in a bit of a time crunch to get it all done in time for next month's update, since I'm travelling on the 2nd of April, but I'm going to do my best! I'd really like this whole scene done by then.

Like (or dislike) the pics? Have anything to say about the updates and the schedule? Let me know in the comments!




I'm interested to see that full Iku scene in action, feel like it's going to be a fun one. Also, love the new version of that Masami/Kimiko picture.


Glad you're keen! I think this month's update is shaping up as a good one. :)


From what I've seen, they always are good updates. Although I admit there's a bit of extra interest for me this month with the passion potion pictures ...