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tl;dr - I'm setting up a Discord server, this month's release has gone fairly well (hello new people!), I'm getting the LMO release ready now and then I'll be getting on to the next couple of months' worth of PAL content updates.

This week's image

You may have already seen the scene where Iku bathes Masami; this is a follow-up that I thought would be nice. There are two more scenes that will follow on after this one, now. There was actually an older scene in the game already of just watching Masami bathe alone - I thought this didn't fit too well with my new bathing scenes, so I've extended (and slightly rewritten it) to be the fourth scene in this series now, with an extra picture added.

I like this series of scenes because they're not actually sexual, they're just erotic in a way that helps to build tension, shows you another side of the characters while feeling true to their behavior, and helps to set up some later plot developments, too. I also like the image and making more use of the hot springs.

Discord server

I'll announce this publicly soon, but I'm going to try out starting a Discord server for talking about my games. I've been reluctant to do that in past because I don't really want to have to manage it, but hopefully I'll get a couple of volunteer mods. I don't imagine it'll be all that much trouble, anyway.

The server may not be entirely necessary since I think I'm pretty accessible already, but Patreon's community features are really limited so it might help players chat about the games and exchange hints, etc. I could maybe drop in some work-in-progress art there from time to time, just to get live feedback or to show something off that you might like. I mean, you already get that with these updates, but maybe I'll test the waters a little more on the Discord. Maybe I'll even kick around some ideas when I'm writing? I don't know yet. I'll also put a suggestions channel in there in case people want to drop in their thoughts. Oh, and there'll be a patrons-only channel, too, just for you guys.

If it doesn't get much attention then I guess I'll just close it down again, but I'd like it to work if only because it'll be another way I can communicate with you guys if there are any complications at any point. So if you're a Discord user, please join up when I post the invite!

New February releases

The latest public release of PAL seems to have been fairly well received, which makes me happy. Over the last couple of months the campaign pledges have been in slow decline, so I was a bit worried about that. The gradual drift downward is something every Patreon campaign has to constantly fight against, but I think this was exacerbated by the holidays, as well as my attempts to conform with Patreon's public posting rules. I may have got past that patch, for now at least, but I do have to stay vigilant.

Oh, by the way, if you ever feel inclined to post anything about the my games anywhere it would probably actually help me a lot. My public exposure is so low that just a random post here and there tends to build my campaign noticeably, but people don't always want to hear from me shilling for myself. Word of mouth is my only advertising.

Meanwhile, I still need to get out an update for LMO this month, like I promised. I actually planned to have that out first, but that didn't work out. I'm trying to put that together now. It probably won't be an enormous update as there's not that much left to do on the game and I need to focus on Attack of the Nega Maids, but with a couple more releases I'll have the game done like I promised. 

The new ending I'm working on now ran into a bit of a roadblock, but I'm reformatting the idea and I think it's turning out okay, although I can't seem to get the damn lighting to look very good.

Next month's PAL release

Once past the LMO work I'll be focusing on the next two months of PAL work. I already have a few scenes ready to go for the March release (the Masami bathing scenes, plus a new "wake up" scene), but I plan to add more. To some extent I'm letting my muse guide me on that update, because while I have some things I feel I should get done for that update, it doesn't really matter all that much what's in the release in March so long as it's a good-sized update.

At the same time, I also need to finish off the Kimiko + Iku threesome scene, because that needs to be done for the April release before I take my break. I've got the pictures for it done now and a good chunk of the writing too, but I'm still in extended crunch time to get all this done.

So what do you think? Is the Discord server a good idea or a bad one?  Would you join? Did you like the latest PAL update? Any thoughts on the upcoming content? Let me know in the comments!




The quality of the images has improved so much that for now you can continue to use the old models, that how you said are good for your style. Glad for the new patrons, holidays and some patreon's choices haven't helped last months. I hope the new engine will also help in future, I like aif games, but I understand that they can be hard when you don't know English very well.


Heya Ben, I thought the update was great, all though I didnt get to see the new ending, as I did to well at spreading the love so to speak. I would join your discord just to hang out and Discuss your games, and what not. I honestly can not wait for the kimiko/Iku threesome , I from time to time will try to hit up their room and get reminded that it isn't done yet lol. Ben, I have to say that the PAT teaser kind of left me wishing it had a little more tease to it, just saying. PAT so far looks wonderful. Cant wait to get to play it. Keep up the good work Sir, I am glad I stumbled on to your games.


That's true, I know, although to some extent any wordy game is going to be a little held back by the language barrier! I think also some people just don't want to type commands, even if they know English, so I might have a little bit of an easier time with a more accessible engine.


Yeah, the PAT teaser was something I tried deliberately not to make a big fuss over, because it was just a test to get some feedback over the stylistic choices and show what I was considering for the game. Making a sex scene in the game or something like that would have been a lot more work and would have required a lot more commitment to the design. It was really just a little experiment that only lasts a few minutes, which is why I made it available at the $1 tier. Anyway, thanks for the support and I look forward to seeing you on the Discord!