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tl;dr - I'm on holiday, so here's a picture and a bit of food for thought. :)

This week's image

You might have a sneaking suspicion that this picture comes from the Iku+Kimiko threesome, and you may just be right. ;) You'll probably note the body language in this picture, but in fact the dynamic in the scene between Kim and Iku isn't totally cooperative. I've been wanting to explore this relationship for quite a while because I think there's a lot of interesting potential in it.

Both the girls are very submissive to Kenji, but in very different ways. They share a bedroom, but they seem like a real odd couple. Picturing them both going to school or university together I don't think they'd be friends; Iku is too uptight and Kimiko looks down on her. All that said, they also have quite a lot in common, they both have room for personal growth and they're both tied together by Kenji, so we'll just have to see where all that goes...

I don't want to spoil too much

I actually made this picture some weeks ago (maybe months), but I've been trying to avoid showing all of these upfront so there's some to be found in the game itself when you play. This is actually probably a bad commercial strategy in some ways; I believe there's likely to be no actual support penalty to spoiling all of your best graphics in updates to patrons and it might even be a better way to encourage people to support you. It is, after all, putting your best foot forward. My problem, however, is that I really want you to have plenty of reason to play the game, so I don't want to spoil all the best bits. That sounds a little naive as I type it out, but it's the truth. I really dislike spoiling the experience too much because I'm primarily a storyteller. Okay, now that sounds arrogant as I type it out. I can't get it right. (That sounds self-pitying.)

So anyway, it's a balancing act I try to juggle, showing you quite a bit of stuff but not too much. That comes up particularly often with Let Me Out, because with the structure of that I can't really show you much without immediately spoiling the best bits. I hope you appreciate me going to the effort to hold back! But if not, let me know because I could just take the easier path too; it might be more commercially wise. :)

I'm on holiday!

Right now I'm visiting the North American continent for a couple of weeks. I wrote this in advance and scheduled it for release; I'm probably in Canada right now so I hope I'm having a good time, eh? I'm definitely planning to try poutine. I'll be in the USA later in the holiday too. My responses may be a little slower because of this, but I'll still be reading and responding to them when I get time, so don't hold back. :)

What do you think? Do you like the picture? What are your thoughts about Kim & Iku's relationship - do you think they could wind up getting along? Where might it go? Also, what about the spoiler question? Do you appreciate me holding stuff back or would you be just as happy seeing the good stuff as I make it? Please let me know in the comments!



frederik wøhliche

love the game but its a shame their isnt a way to figure out what commands are available and what you can write

frederik wøhliche

i seriously cant get around the fumi hana scene tried everything i can not including me since he wont do that and still cant figure it out


Sorry I couldn't respond until now, I've been travelling so I've not been able to get much Internet access. You can type "help" for some hints on what to type, but usually the game tries to tell you the important stuff.


You can order the girls to do a variety of things and when you're finished just watching you can type, "strip".