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"Hello, Ruth? Are you home?"
Nila has been standing outside of Ruth's door for some minutes now. Wearing a simple hoodie and shorts, she wanted to show her tinkering techie friend something. Impatient, she tries turning the knob, and to her surprise it's unlocked.

Opening the door, she finds Ruth laying on the floor, crumpling and throwing balls of paper. She didn't seem to notice that Nila came in just now, only continuing to follow the paper balls fly up and fall down. Her concentration broken only when Nila came into view.
"Oh... hey there, Nila." Ruth says with no life in her tone.

Concerned, Nila asks what's wrong with her, and Ruth explains that she's in some sort of "inventor's block". She hasn't thought of a new tool design, or idea in a while; everything thought up recently has either been a repeat or no good, and it's been bumming her out.
"Perhaps my great mind is not so great after all..."

Nila admittedly doesn't know how to deal with this. She's not used to seeing Ruth so deflated. Wanting to help Ruth any way she can, Nila says whatever's in her mind, telling Ruth that she's just being way too dramatic!
"Just because you're in a rut, doesn't mean you're in it forever! So what if you can't think of anything new? Sometimes the old and present is all we need. You can't be expected to keep creating all the time! You'll get back to it once inspiration strikes you again!"

An awkward silence goes on for a while before Ruth sits herself back up.
"Well... I guess a break for my great mind couldn't hurt. Maybe looking back at my old stuff will even help me get it back quicker." Ruth's mood has improved!

It was better than nothing, but Nila helped a bit!
"Glad to hear it! So um... can I show you something new?"

"Oh, just rub salt in my old wound, won't you?" Ruth joked as she watches.
Nila removed her jacket to reveal her new top to Ruth. Looking at it, Ruth's old habits came back. Nothing new for Nila.


Been a while since we've seen these two! Hopefully you all enjoy seeing them again as I did drawing them. Once again to remind others, Ruth belongs to me, and Nila belongs to my very good friend, CaraNelle! Please give him a watch or follow on his respective sites!



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