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A little alarm chime goes off.

Checking her phone for the time, Kat puts her pencil down.
"Well I think we earned ourselves a nice break."

Kitty does the same, rubbing her temples.
"Thank goodness. My mind was aching from all that reading and writing, hehe."

Kat invites Kitty to sit on the sofa, while she goes to fix them some drinks. Kitty does so, making herself at home and comfortable.
"You know, it's nice having an alarm that doesn't involve me laughing my head off."

Curious as to what Kitty means, Kat asks her to elaborate as she returns with some ice tea. Kitty explains that her friends/roommates constantly prey upon her ticklishness. She's greeted with pokes to her sides, woken up with her own laughter instead of her alarm, and for fun Kitty is restrained and tickled. Not to mention her job, Kitty is tickled on a daily basis. It's very exhausting for the poor girl.

Kat couldn't help but giggle at Kitty's stories.
"Heehee, you live an interesting life." Curious though, Kat asks, "Do you dislike the tickles?"

"I hate it." It was an immediate response, but Kitty soon looked away and pondered.

Intrigued, Kat proposes that perhaps Kitty should try tickling her instead. Kitty stared at Kat for a bit, clearly confused. Kat wants to be tickled by her?
Kat explains that maybe Kitty can enjoy it more if she were given a break as the ticklee, and be the tickler instead.

Pulling a feather out from her tie, Kat hands it to a still bewildered Kitty, and then places her feet on Kitty's lap. Shocked at the turn of events, she looks over at Kat, who is delightfully waiting for the tickles. Enticing Kitty with a smile, "Go ahead, make me laugh."

Taking a nervous gulp, Kitty fought back a smile as she brought the feather and her fingers to Kat's feet.

Kat's smile soon turned to laughter. She breaks easily.

Yay, finished a new pic! Had fun with this pic, as I do with all of my pics (most of the time).
I wanted to show off Kitty and Kat more. Gotta build on their dynamic. Also just wanted to draw Kat again. I need to draw her more often. I need to draw a lot of characters more often.

Anyways, hope you all enjoy this!



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