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For those who didnt keep up with my statuses on DA, I was sick for literally a week. Had some sort of flu or bad cold, that eventually turned into tonsillitis. Basically, I was pretty damn miserable.

But now I'm almost back to 100%! Sore throat is now gone, and the coughing is minimal (but still bad).

Thanks for all of you for being so patient with me! I know I'm slow for providing content, but I very much appreciate all those who stick around. Those who can't, I understand, no hard feelings. Things and circumstances change.

However I may need to up the art activity going forward, considering that getting a job right now is probably going to be hard due to el virus. Luckily I still have money saved up from my last animation gig, so I can last for some months here, but I will need more money going forward.

So I'm planning on doing commissions, but I'm still going to be applying for jobs. Perhaps the commissions will be small ones... lord knows how long I take for pics, haha!


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