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Yo peeps! So I just got back from California. I attended the CTNXpo. An animation expo. Met a lot of cool animators there, networked with a lot of people, and even got some people interested and hoping to recruit me! (Fingers crossed).

Also got a good taste of what it's like being in Cali... good thing I went during the winter times, haha! Back home for the holidays before my eventual move there sometime in January. I'm just so glad I'm done with it, haha! Now I can go back to focusing on fetish art for the time.

But yeah, sorry for the late notice, but that's what I've been up to lately. Did make Ika during my time there though, so there's that. I need to develop that girl more.

Anyways, for those who stuck around, thanks for sticking around! For those who didn't, sorry to keep you guys waiting. But I've got some stuff lined up that I want to share. But for now, Happy Thanksgiving to all that celebrate it! And enjoy the weekend!



And you met your SUPER COOL FRIENDS TOO RIGHT??? ;) Glad you had a nice time at the Expo, hopefully those networking links work out :D