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More tweaks and revisions done! Now just working on the rough sketch. I also need to draw what Lina is cooking... I’m thinking an omelette. I love eggs.

If you’re wondering about the apron, it was a gift from Penny.




Excellent job! I hope nobody takes the apron seriously, because that's an accident waiting to happen


Have to say, I liked her previous expression more. As cute as this one, the other one seemed to display a greater enjoyment of what she was doing; it gave me a vibe of "no matter how good or bad it ends up tasting, I'm just having fun cooking and that's all I care about". This is still good though. My eyes might be betraying me, but I also like her new hairstyle here; that hair scarf looks pretty adorable and I believe it fits her perfectly, given the task at hand. Lina has a sort of "'mum' of the group" vibe to her and this just consolidates that in my mind. Anyway; looking forward to seeing the final result!


The girls aren’t idiots! They’ll obviously tickle Lina after she’s done cooking.


Well before this used to just be a pinup pic, but then just evolved into an actual pic with a bit of story to it. So I wanted to give Lina a more focused look. She has to be in order to feed a household. She still has fun though, but even I get focused when it comes to cooking something that you don’t want to screw up. And yep! Lina’s got her hair down. She can’t wear her head scarf with her ponytails in the way. Lina is pretty much the big sister of her circle of friends. Also the most level headed one, while still being the teasing kind of big sister.