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So to do something special for reaching my first goal, I'm doing a Q/A thing. But it won't just be me answering questions, I'll doodle responses to them!

But only for questions that I think would make for interesting doodles. 

Regardless, I'll certainly answer any questions you have for me, or my OC's.


Brandon Williams

I have a question for Niu. Can we have some more of your adorable navel being tickled? :D


I have a few: 1. What’s Gina’s favorite manga genre? 2. Who’s the most succeptible to hypnotism among your cast? 3. Any plans for your new magician character?


To any of the roommates: what was your first encounter with “Intoxi-Kitty”?


Is any of your OC butt ticklish?


For Lina: Given that your boobs are so big and so ticklish, do you ever find them getting tickled accidentally by things nearby? And do other people ever take advantage when you're stuck, like sitting next to them in a theater or on a bus?


Is Gina still unaware that her roomates know about her erotic mangas stash?


For any of the girls, do some of you enjoy being tickled?

Sara Smith

Hey, Lina, I love seeing your big feet get the tickles! Whatcha gotta say about that, huh!?


For all the girls, how do you handle disputes between things like who's turn it is to clean the dishes or the living room?


What ever happened to that albino oc you made

Unimpressive Chaoslord

Lina, taking into account the crew of fetishists you live with, how do you justify not wearing a bra, regardless of how comfortable it is, specially considering how ticklish your breasts are?


Penny, what inspired you to learn how to utilize kittens in your happy massage?


to Kat, how do you discover your like for tickling girls? and is there any favourite ticklee you have?


To Kitty, how do your roommates and friends feel about your job?


Kitty, how is your job at the tickled pink cafe going? Are you having fun there?


To Bluish, do you ever get your OC's mixed up due to them having similar names?

Brandon Williams

Mystuhree, I wouldn't think so, since they're all so unique in their own ways.


To Penny, which of your friends is your favorite to tickle? Also, what is your favorite part of the body to tickle?

Unimpressive Chaoslord

I hope I'm not abusing by asking another question; if so, let me know and I'll take it back: Has any of you girls every recorded and sold a tickling fetishist video to make some quick money?


Mh...first of all, sorry for the late, let's see...for Gina and Kitty...who's from all the girls the one you fear the most when it comes to get tickled?


How Ruth feels about being surrounded by her big breast friends and she well its not so gifted?

Brandon Williams

Kat, do you ever find yourself tickling your own exposed belly or feet just for fun?


I guess if it's alright To ask another, I have one for Ruth. We know how you've made a few machines for trapping others, but have you ever made some designed to tickle others? If so who is your favorite person to test them on? Nui, Kitty or Penny, Or maybe all three?

Brandon Williams

Do any of the girls enjoy tickle hugs?


I have a few questions for Chief Alpha: -What lead you to create such a nice business? -Is the Tickled Pink Cafe doing well? -Have you been able to hire hostess since the beginning?


This one is just to add another question to the list. To Bluish, every fetish has a origin for most people. So how did you find your love of tickling?


5 more questions after this, and I'll cap it.


Since nobody else seems to be asking anything, perhaps it can end on this. What is an example of a wholesome, non-tickling activity the roommates can all do together?


Very good of you. I love each of your drawings. Each one creative.