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Morrigan breathed heavily, hanging limp in her overly tight restraints. The Amazons hadn’t dared to risk under securing her, after seeing her strength first hand. If it hadn’t been for that Oink hiding in the corner. Shaking her head, she let her eyes drift closed as she listened to the havoc in the distance. The Monster Girls who had been torturing her had disappeared to check on some kind of disturbance. The Monster Girl Hunter winced, hearing a scream and then complete silence.

Whomever had been brave or foolish enough to come looking for her, they’d surely bitten off more than they could

“Captain? Captain, hey! Are you okay?” A jolt of shock and a surge of relief washed over the captured hunter; she’d recognize that cheerful, if somewhat ditzy voice anywhere. But

“Angela? What are-” Morrigan coughed and shook her head and sat up straight. There was a smile tugging at her lips as she watched her clumsy subordinate nearly trip over one of heavy chains strewn across the floor. With a flamboyant spin, she managed to catch herself, throwing her hands up. When she noticed Morrigan staring she flashed a big grin.

“Tada! Your pretty, scarfed savior has ar-arrived!” Angela’s visible eye widened and her voice caught in her throat when she was finally close enough to see Morrigan clearly. Stripped down to her underclothes, barefoot, and with her top pulled up over her generous chest, she was a rather stunning sight. “S-so, um, what are you doing here, C-captain?”

Morrigan sighed and went limp in her restraints again, hanging her head in shame.

“I was coming to assist you...you’d been gone for a couple days and I know how Redd is. I guess I assumed the worst,” she explained, staring at the ground, digging her toes into the dirt. “Clearly, I was correct, but, while I was searching for you, I let my guard down and, well...here I am.”

Angela nodded, shuffling from foot to foot as she stood in front of her captain, an obvious blush on her cheeks as she simply nodded along with Morrigan’s story. She swallowed and glanced away when Morrigan tried to make eye contact with her.

With a soft chuckle, Morrigan shook her head and sighed.

“Thank you, Angela. I don’t know what I’d have done if you hadn’t arrived. So...you have my...ahem, gratitude. I owe you for this, Angela.” The older woman was careful with choosing her words. She could see the way Angela’s fingers twitched, the way she had to fight to keep from drinking in every inch of the captive woman’s exposed skin.

“N-no problem! I uh, hehehe, you, ahem, you know it’s my job and all, I g-guess we both got lucky that I found you!” Angela responded, still stumbling over her words. Swallowing hard and letting out a puff of air, the redhead nodded and moved forward to start trying her luck with the captain’s restraints.

However, in her rush, she promptly tripped over a rock and landed on Morrigan’s lap, wrapping her arms around the captain’s shoulders to keep from falling over. Her eyes snapped open when she felt Morrigan press her face into the crook of her neck, hot breath slipping between her slightly parted lips, tickling the redhead’s skin.

“C-captain?” Angela asked, practically purring.

Morrigan screwed her eyes shut, knowing there was a part of her that was going to regret this. But...maybe it was the relief speaking, or maybe it was the rush of ticklish excitement that had shot through her when Angela’s fuzzy scarf brushed against her naked chest, causing her nipples to harden in an instant, but before she could gather her reason, she felt her lips moving and the words tumbling out.

“I did say I owe you...didn’t I?” Morrigan breathed, her lips lightly brushing against Angela’s skin until they reached her ear, “You may not get another chance like this...at least not for a while,” She whispered, her words plowing through Angela’s hard fought resistance. When the redhead pulled away, Morrigan thought for a second she saw a flash of red from beneath the wild bangs that always covered the right side of her face.

Angela bit her lip for a moment, clearly paralyzed by possibility.

Taking another deep breath and knowing she’d hate herself for it in just moments, Morrigan let her mouth run wild again.

“I’m so lucky you found me...once those Monster Girls started tickling my nipples, I just...knew I couldn’t win...” 

The look of disbelief slowly melted away from Angela’s face. Morrigan’s mouth went dry, her heart began to pound in her chest, and her legs rubbed together as a mischievous little grin spread across the redhead’s lips.

“Oh...you mean...like this?”


Story provided by BrewedWar, thank you!

Anyways, this is a piece featuring characters from Brewed's tickling RPG, "Who Hunts Monsters". The two characters are Morrigan, on the left, and Angela, on the right!

This took a long while... about par with how long I do commissions. I need to get better at it...



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