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It snowed overnight, and you're shoveling your driveway when you see your new neighbor stuck in her car, so you go help her out ♡

Art by Vivian Valentin!




This is a really fun premise, can’t wait to listen in a bit!!


Glow you have been helping me get more sleep then normal, i cant thank you enough times, cant wait to listen to this one in a bit as well


It doesn’t have to be a snowman 🎶


Glow: stop looking at me like I’m insane Gravy: *starts laughing* Glow: are you laughing at me🤨 Gravy: *gasp* the 4th wall is broken idk how to feel about this It’s a lovely audio, I had fun listening to it, thank you 😊 Ps: I think you can’t beat the "bad driver" allegations with this one, on the other hand it’s a character so we‘ll see 👀😅


This is so wholesome, despite being set in the cold it really warms my heart. Thank Glows, hope you’re having a wonderful week 😁😁


Just finished listening, very much related to this audio bc I love snow even if it’s a disaster to deal with and I love snowball fights, Listener just like me fr LOL it was really cute and sweet, I loved it ❤️


When I was lower enlisted, I was with a unit that was down the road from a school. One year my squad were the lucky ones that had to plow the entire parking lot all winter. After we built a 4' by 50' mound, we 'fortified' the defenses with icicles and made around 100 snowballs. When school let out that day, we surprised them with superior range and tactics. Then their reinforcements arrived. It was glorious

Urban Hermit

Mittens and scarfs and hats are great, but you're forgetting the most important part of the outfit - a snow shovel! 😅

sophia (not the first)

I think imma need a compilation of glow complaining lmao, it always gets a laugh out of me😭


Just another day in the Northern states.


I got Star Wars vibes, Frosty Returns vibes, and Hakaidos Girls are Really Cute vibes.