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You're spending the night on a train after recently leaving home, and when you struggle to fall asleep, you decide to explore and go to the dining car. To your surprise, someone is sitting at a table alone. As soon as you start talking, you two can't help but feel like fate brought you together. 

Thank you Simon R. for suggesting an audio about fate/destiny/instant love! I hope you like it! If anyone wants to leave an audio request for next month's bonus audio, comment an idea here

Art by LotusBubble!




Who says Mondays can't be wonderful?!


A surprise, to be sure, but a welcome one. Great audio as always!


I’m getting really Old Western Vibes with this audio. Love on a train is one of those things that’s just hits different and I think your script was fantastic at catching that. Keep up the great work and hope you’re having a wonderful day 😁😁

Simon R.

This was just beautiful 😍 love what you made out of the idea 🥰 I especially loved how the character tried to rationalize her irrational decision (,, It‘s the most logical thing to do.“). That is so 100% me xD I am the type person that on almost every occasion overthinks every tiny decision and dissects everything, but on the few occasions were I find myself not being rational, I’ll find every possible excuse to find any shred of rational explanation behind my behavior, mostly just to myself^^ Never have been a believer in fate, but well maybe one day I too may be converted sitting on a train 😂☺️


More art from LotusBubble. Love this thumbnail


as the guy whose dream job is being a train conductor just gets me happy seing the word "Train" in the title but why is there a whistle from a steam locomotive? given that we use much better means of railway travel nowadays

Urban Hermit

Because the alternative would be having the audio start with the ear-splitting blast of an air horn? (Speaking as someone who has camped out near railroad tracks and heard that sound at close range in the middle of the night 🙂)

Aaron Price

Isn't this the thumbnail that you originally used on the cute girl in the coffee shop is secretly obsessed with you audio before you changed it?


well true but you can just tone it down ... I also live not that far from my towns main station so I'm used to noise at night


I wonder where they end up!


I love this


Getting ” before sunrise” vibes . Wonderful