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Hi guys! There’s a small handful of you that go on my Minecraft server every now and then, and I just want to give you a heads up that unfortunately, due to one of Microsoft’s new updates, I can’t keep the Minecraft server up.

That’s all! Sorry about this. Thanks for reading and have a fantastic weekenddd! ❤️



Is it already gone, or will it be up for a little while longer?


I haven't played in years, but didn't know you had a minecraft server. And what did Microsoft change that makes it so you have to take it down?


Just like that song by the Eagles. Rip the server I totally didn't break several times merely by existing.


They won't allow all of my tiers to have access to the server and there's some legal compliance stuff that would be complicated to fix


That sounds like MS is just trying to over complicate things for 0 reason