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Thanks for another month of fun questions! :) I hope you're all doing well


Simon R.

First one was the thunderstorm audio. She was grounded for waking her parents to do shadow puppets 😉 Second one was correct, third one is correct as well. Last one is called Girlfriend Comforts you. I’ll count that one as well, so 3/4 good job 😋 And Glow Trivia was also correct. It was indeed Taylor so it’s basically a bonus point so you’ll get 4/4 this month 🤪

Simon R.

For the picture you forgot a couple things: the bed and your room would be on a cloud, you would have white feathery wings and a glowing halo and there would be people under said cloud looking up with tears of joy flowing down their cheeks as their pain and dark thoughts are washed away by the light.