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Hi everyone! Here's a comparison of different microphones. I'd love to hear what you guys prefer (personally I think the stereo set-up is more immersive so I like that more, but I wanna know what you think)! Once a couple more equipment things come in the mail, I'll start recording those audios I mentioned :)



Personally I like the old setup, because it makes you audios more immersive. What’s funny is when you switched over it was pretty hard to tell the initial difference but as the audio went on you can tell their were changes (very minor). Also can’t wait for you collabs and your new audio. Happy Early 4th of July 😁


I like the stereo setup more. Especially when the stereo aspect is more obvious I think.


Old setup for sure, as you said it is more immersive.

Simon R.

I have to say while you can hear it a little bit, when not using headphones the difference is nearly inaudible. When using them I would prefer the old setup as well. But in the end as long as your voice comes out, all is fine^^ The best part of this was how happy and excited you sounded in the end anyways ☺️


I think stereo is more involved/immersive for sure. And the new one sounds slightly more hollow but slightly more deep? Could be just some settings to tweak with though. Maybe would be good as a backup mic or a "travel" mic if you head to your parents for a week or weekend. Would be easier to being with you and set up. Using just for rambles/q&a and other small updates I feel would be a hassle to keep moving around. But quality they are pretty close. I say go with your gut.


I'm gonna be honest here I can only tell a little difference between the two, not much but enough to say I like them both, but I do like the dual microphone set up for the immersion! Both sounds great, in the end it your choice and you'll do what's feel best!! I hope you have a lovely 4th of July!!!🎆


i can’t tell much of a quality difference, but the stereo definitely adds a layer of immersion so i prefer that i guess!!


I would say the old setup does make it sound like we’re sitting in the same room whereas the new setup sounds more like your voice is just inside my head if that makes sense? The stereo does add a bit more depth to your soundscape but I do think the new mic sounds slightly sharper. I think you can totally find creative ways to use both setups depending on the context.


I put off listening to this until I was home again and had some proper equipment to use. Here are my thoughts. The new setup makes you sound the tiniest wee bit clearer, probably because you can be closer to the microphone than with the stereo setup. I also felt, likely for the same reason, that your sibilants were a lot harsher, sometimes unpleasantly so, even. But that's something that happens often when using a microphone one is not used to yet, so maybe changing up the distance and/or gain could help. Overall, the differences are minute. Your recording quality already is at a level of excellence where it would be almost impossible to make very noticeable improvements. My personal opinion is to stick with the stereo setup. You don't use it often, but whenever you did, the ability to speak only in one of the listener's ears was extremely powerful. You know what specific recording I'm talking about... If you really wanted to keep the other microphone, you could use it when doing recordings that are not supposed to be immersive. Guided meditation, story-telling, rambles, answering questions, stuff like that. Other than that, it always makes me glad when you are so passionate and giddy about your scripts! Hope you have a great holiday!

Aaron Price

I hear there is a slight difference, but I can't really decide on which I prefer but I do like the idea of you being able to switch between ears if you want and being able to do something with that in an audio e.g. injured listener( asking them/us to turn there/our head and then being on the left/right and vise versa. All of that being said I do think that first and foremost it should ultimately be about which set up is more convenient for you, maybe try recording a few audios with the new set up and then switch back to the old one if you find yourself relieved to be rid of some flaw in the new set up revert back to doing it that way or if switching back makes you question what took you so long to buy new equipment you'll know you've made the right choice. Hope that makes as much sense to you as it did to me in my head, ha, also sorry for the wall of text I'm writing this on my phone. Love what you do, I'm sure you'll make the right decision.


I do prefer the dual mic setup, more immersive, more naturel, more precise. The old setup give me the feeling that you are right beside me, talking and moving around me.