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Did I just punch myself in the leg 6 times for the sake of getting a sound effect? Yes yes I did


Very Hungry Caterpillar

Thanks for hitting yourself so many times so we could be pleased!🤣🐛❤️

Scott B.

Is this you soft-launching your future Olympic boxing career? #GoldMedalGlow

Alex G.W.

True dedication to the craft! 👏🏻👏🏻


Glow: I just punched myself in the leg repeatedly. The Combat Instructor in me: But how was your form?

Aaron Price

I'm just wondering what audio required you to repeatedly punch yourself in the leg?


The "night shift in the hospital with your crush" audio lol, I needed it to sound like a headbutt

Simon R.

Glow you can stop to pretend. We all know you’re tasting blood from your last victim. You can’t not be a vampire given all the data we have. No mere mortal could be this skilled at so many things. Either you are a vampire or you are cheating at life^^

Urban Hermit

I always love your blooper audios! (and I hope you recover from your injuries!)


That's what happens when u don't stretch