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Toasting marshmallows, cheers!



Max Diesel

Pro camper tip when making a marshmallow get that outside. Nice and golden and you know the inside is fully cooked. Then you stick it straight in the heart of the fire and char the outside making it both creamy and crispy at the same time and don't use normal chocolate. Use a Reese's cup

Simon R.

I remember making them with my mums godmother the first time in Canada way back when. We were sitting in her garden on the outskirts of Vancouver up on a hill. It was all chill until a black bear climbed the fence and wanted in on the fun 😂 We managed to spook him with our yelling (the neighbors weren’t so happy), so nothing really happened, but still a fond memory. We haven’t really done roasted marshmallows in a while now… I think I should change that, eventhough I doubt it will be as exciting here in Germany 🤣


Toasted marshmallow sound so good, never had lightly toasted marshmallow, only had burnt to a crisp 😂

Gillian Lasser

Now I want marshmallows haha, beautiful picture


WAIT WE CAN TALK THIS THROUGH I don't have a wife or kids or anything, but still. I don't wanna get toasted.


Just the marshmellows are we making smores? Either way, it's been a hot minute since I've had either of them.


that looks so yummy and cozy! are those your real nails? they look amazing and me and my biting ways are totally not completely envious! :'D


Watching your calories I see. Ngl, smart play. Maybe I'll do the same for my snack for the night, but in an oven or toaster oven instead of over a fire


It only takes a candle to light a marshmallow on fire. If I pull an Adam Savage and have to ask if I'm missing an eyebrow I'm gonna, uh. Do something. Probably laugh.


Didn’t we already have this marshmallow debate 😂 But I hope you had fun Glow.