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Hey guys! If you feel like leaving me questions for this month's Q&A, comment your questions below and I'll answer them at the end of the month!



If you could pick an RPG class in a fantasy setting, what do you think you would choose? Some examples could be a Sword Fighter, a mage, a healer, a thief etc


Why hello there, beautiful soul! Here, have some questions. Also, like always, don't feel like you would have to answer any of them. 1.) How are you feeling? Are you doing well? 2.) Is there a certain reason or story behind why you love reading so much? Or did you just happen to pick up a good book at some point in the past and never were able to stop from then on out? 3.) What is the one question that you wish someone would finally ask you? Care to answer? 4.) What is the one question that you secretly are afraid of being asked? Would you answer? 5.) You are strolling down the street together with your mom, chatting happily, when you hear a voice behind you. “Excuse me, do you have a moment?” As you turn around, you see a person looking at you with slightly frowned eyebrows as if not sure what to make of you. They glance at your mom for just the fraction of a second before going on. “Sorry if this sounds weird, but when I heard your voice, I couldn’t help but wonder
 Do you by any chance have a YouTube channel , think not of a molecule when hearing H2O and know someone called Addie La Rue?” What do you do? 6.) Two romance novels were by far not enough for last month! Care to share more? Pleeeaaase?