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Working on an audio and I can't decide if I should include a little drama/conflict, or if I should keep it more chill


Chris d em

I think ...Chill ....then Drama...then Chill again....then PLOT TWIST....! Similar to yr ghost girl story...cos that was a masterpiece of story telling in my opinion...u went real 'Twelve Monkeys' on us at the end of it...! Brilliant writing glow....one of yr absolute best....👍❤️

Josh Lambert

I'm not one for Drama. But that's me personally after dealing with so much drama in my life.


I feel like mixing up will feel refreshing honestly. Regardless your audios are great


I know I'm one of the few people that could never fall asleep to your roleplays. They are just much too intriguing and captivating in my eyes. So, yeah, go for it! Drama, plot twists, I'm all for it!


I will say as someone who loves the drama in stories, maybe just Dow a few wholesome then maybe the long arching stories be the more drama filled ones? It’ll make the most sense especially building up the tension for the next release

Simon R.

I for one enjoy a little drama as long as it doesn’t end in complete drama and either has a happy or heartwrenchingly sad ending. And the drama has to seem natural and not there just for dramas sake if that makes sense. Like I really hate it in movies or series, when I find the reasoning for the drama completely illogical and there’s no reason for it with the knowledge the person creating it should have. Hope I’m not just confusing everyone reading this^^


Your audios are always chill. Go for it!


I love it


I think it’s time we get to see you in more serious role plays Glow 😊


always love some spice in the audios